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A. Research papers in refereed journals

  1. M M Ali and L Masinga. “A nonlinear optimization model for optimal order quantities with stochastic demand rate and price change.” Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 3 (2007), 139-154.

  2. J P F Charpin, T G Myers, M Lombe and P de Hill. “Transportation of a water based slurry in an open furrow, launder or stream.” Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 107 (2007), 95-98.

  3. A D Fitt, D P Mason and E A Moss. “Group invariant solution for a pre-existing fluid-driven fracture in impermeable rock”. ZAMP (Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics), 58 (2007), 1049-1067.

  4. D P Mason and T R Stacey. "Support to rock excavations provided by sprayed liners." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 45 (2008), 773-788.

  5. TG Myers and JPF Charpin. "Modelling the temperature, maturity and moisture content in a drying concrete block." Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies Journal, 1 (2008), 24-48

  6. N Fowkes, J A T de Freitas and T R Stacey. "Crack repair using an elastic filler". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 56 (2008), 2749 - 2758.

  7. DP Mason and H Abelman. "Support provided to rock excavations by a system of two liners." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 46 (2009), 1197-1205.

  8. TG Myers, ND Fowkes and Y Ballim. "Modelling the cooling of concrete by piped water." Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 135 (2009)1375 - 1383.

  9. N Fowkes and AP Basson. "Piped water cooling of concrete: an exercise in scaling." Journal of Engineering Education, 15 (2009), 51-57.

  10. AG Fareo and DP Mason. "Group invariant solutions for a pre-existing fluid driven fracture in permeable rock". Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications.12 (2011), 767 - 779.
  11. H Ockendon, D P Mason, D Fanucchi, T La Foy, T. Oliphant and M. Khalique. 'A mathematical model of a road block'. Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies. 2 (2010), 134 - 154.

  12. M Anthonyrajah and D P Mason. 'Conservation laws and invariant solutions in the Fanno model for turbulent compressible flow.' Mathematical and Computational Applications.15 (2010), 529 - 542.

  13. T G Myers and S L Mitchell. 'A Mathematical analysis of the motion of an in-flight soccer ball.' Sports Engineering DOI 10.1007/s12283-012-0105-8

  14. A Hutchinson. "Controlled roof collapse during secondary mining in coal mines". International Journal of Differentail Equations, 21 pages, DOI 10.1155/2012/806078

  15. Anthonyrajah M, Mason DP and Fareo AG. "Propogation of a pre-existing turbulent fluid fracture". International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 54 (2013, 105-114

  16. Fareo AG and Mason DP. "Group invariant solutions for a pre-existing fracture driven by a power-law fluid in impermeable rock". Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 18 (2013), 3298 - 3316.

  17. Please C, Mason DP, Khalique CM, Ngnotchouye JMT, Hutchinson AJ, van der Merwe N and Yilmaz H. "Fracturing of an Euler-Bernoulli beam in coal mine pillar extraction." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 64 (2013), 132- 138.

  18. Pedro JO, Dangor M, Dahunsi OA and Ali MM. "Differential evolution-based PID control of nonlinear full-car electrohydraulic suspensions". Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID261582, 13 pages, DOI 10.1155/2013/261582.

  19. Phillips R, Woolway M, Fanucchi D and Ali M. "Mathematical modeling and optimal blank generation in glass manufacturing." Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 2014, Article ID 959453, 12 pages, DOI 10.1155/2014/959453.

  20. Kgatle MRR and Mason DP. "Propogation of a linear hydraulic fracture with tortuosity." International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 61 (2014), 39-53

  21. Please CP, Fowkes ND, Mason DP, Khalique CM, Hutchinson A, Rademeyer MC, Loubser RC and Davis SB. "Extraction of molasses from sugar crystals". Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. 19 (2014), 347 - 358.

  22. Aldila D, Hutchason AJ, Woolway M, Owen-Smith N and Soewona E. "A mathematical model of black rhino translocation strategy." Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, 47 (2015), 104 - 115.

  23. Fowkes ND, Hocking G, Mason DP, Please CP, Kgatle MRR, Yilmaz H and van der Merwe N. "Models for the effect of rising water in abandoned mines on seismic activity". International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,77 (2015), 246-256.

  24. Fowkes ND and Basson AP. "Batch processing in a glass furnace." The Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 57 (2015), 175-188.

  25. Kgatle MMR and Mason DP "Linear hydraulic fracture with tortuosity: Conservation laws and fluid extraction". International Journal of non-Linear Mechanics, 79, (2016), 10-25.

  26. Hocking GC and Mitchell SL. "A model of flow in a sugar diffuser." IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 81 (2016), 984 - 998.

  27. Newman D, Hutchinson AJ and Mason DP. "Tensile fracture analysis of a thin Euler - Bernoulli beam and transition to the voussoir model." International Journal of rock Mechannics and Mining Sciences, 102 (2018), 78 - 88.

  28. Myers T G, Font F and Hennessy M G. “ Mathematical modelling of carbon capture in a packed column by adsorption”. Applied Energy, Volume 278, 2020, Article 115567.

  29. Myers T G  and Font F.  “ Mass transfer from a fluid flowing through a porous media”. International J of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 163, 2020, Article 120374.

  30. Broadbridge P and Hutchinson AJ. “”Integrable nonlinear reaction-diffusion population models for fisheries”. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 102 (2022), 748- 767.

  31. Broadbridge P and Hutchinson AJ, Li X and Mann BQ. “Stratified mobility fishery models with harvesting outside of no-take areas.” Applied Mathematical Modelling, 105 (2022), 29- 49.

  32. Aguareles M, Calvo-Schwarzwalder M, Font F and Myers TG. "A mathematical model for the energy stored in green roofs". Applied Mathematical Modelling, 115, 2023, 513-540.

  33. Fowkes ND and Mason DP. "Double layered compressible masks". ANZIAM Journal 2023, 1-26 DOI: 10. 1017/S 1446181123000056.

  34. Mason DP, Fowkes ND, Yemata RM, Onyeagoziri CA and Yilmaz H. "Well stabilization in mines by spray-on liners". ANZIAM Journal 2023, 1-24 DOI: 10. 1017/S 1446181123000172.

B. Refereed conference proceedings

  1. M Mitchley, M Sears and S Damelin. "Target detecion in hyperspectral mineral data using wavelet analysis". Proceedings of IEEE IGRASS 2009. Accepted. 3182 Final.pdf.

  2. L du Plessis, S Damelin and M Sears. "Reducing the dimensionality of hyperspectral data using diffusion maps". Proceedings of IEEE IGRASS 2009. Accepted. 3194 Final.pdf.

  3. C Musingwini, M M Ali and T Dikgale. "A linear programming and stochastic analysis of mining replacement rate for typical Bushveld Complex platinum reef conventional mining under variable geological losses." Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection and Eleventh International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production, Banff, Canada, 16 - 19 November, 2009, pp 551 - 565. MPES_2009_Paper_V1.pdf.

  4. J Pedro, M Dangor, O Dahunsi and MM Ali. "DE-based PID control of full-car-nonlinear servo-hydraulic suspension systems". Proceedings of the IEE Africon 2013 Conference, Mauritius, September 2013. Accepted.
  5. T G Myers, S L Mitchell and P Slatter. “ An asymptotic analysis of the laminar-turbulent transition of yield stress fluids in pipes”.  Journal of Physics: Conference Series 811 (2017) 012007.  DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/811/1/012007 An asymptotic analysis of the laminar-turbulent transition of yield stress fluid

C. Proceedings of MISG

Each report is refereed by two independent referees

Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2004
Preface, List of Delegates, Problems MISG 2004 Preface, List of Delegates, Problems
Executive Summaries MISG 2004 Executive Summaries
Detailed Technical Reports  
Fault slip in a mining context
N D Fowkes, D P Mason, J A P Napier
Fault slip in a mining context
Transportation of a water based slurry in an open furrow, launder or stream
J P D Charpin, T G Meyers, M Lombe, P de Hill
Transportation of a water based slurry in an open furrow, launder or stream
Fracturing rock with ultra high pressure water
A D Fitt, N D Fowkes, D P Mason, T G Meyers, E A Moss, J Cheng
Fracturing rock with ultra high pressure water
Modelling surface heat exchanges from a concrete block into the environment
J P D Charpin, T G Meyers, A D Fitt, Y Ballim, A Patini
Modelling surface heat exchanges from a concrete block into the environment
Maturity effects in concrete dams
N D Fowkes, H Mambili Mamboundou, O D Makinde, Y Ballim, A Patini 
Maturity effects in concrete dams 
Piped water cooling of concrete dams
J Charpin, T MEyers, A D Fitt, N Fowkes, Y Ballim, A P Patini 
Piped water cooling of concrete dams 
Discrimination and identification of unexploded ordinances (UXO) using airborne magnetic gradients.
M C Jeoffreys 
Discrimination and identification of unexploded ordinances (UXO) using airborne magnetic gradients 
Optimal order quantities with volume discounts before and after price increase
M M Ali, L C Masinga, T Jekot
Optimal order quantities with volume discounts before and after price increase
Scheduling of material through a steel plant
M M Ali, P Kaelo, J Ackerman
Scheduling of material through a steel plant 


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2005
Preface, List of Delegates, Problems MISG 2005 Preface, List of Delegates, Problems
Executive Summaries MISG 2005 Executive Summaries
Detailed Technical Reports  
Analysis of lubricant behaviour and roll deformation during cold rolling of steel
T G Meyers, JPF Charpin 
Analysis of lubricant behaviour and roll deformation during cold rolling of steel
Piston effect due to rock collapse
A Sjoberg, E Mureithi, T R Stacey, J R Ockendon, A D Fitt, A A Lacey 
Piston effect due to rock collapse 
Production of lime from limestone- Prediction of lime quality and carbon monoxide levels within a lime kiln 
P Browne, A Fitt, M Jeoffreys, S Johnson, A LAcey, T Lange, H Potgieter, C Thomas
Production of lime from limestone- Prediction of lime quality and carbon monoxide levels within a lime kiln 
Optimal scheduling and loading of trucks for distribution of soft drinks
L C Masinga, C Myburgh, S Povey 
Optimal scheduling and loading of trucks for distribution of soft drinks 
Determining the source of moisture variation in produced paper
MC Jeoffreys, N D Fowkes, T G Meyers 
Determining the source of moisture variation in produced paper 
Support to rock excavations provided by sprayed liners
D P Mason, T R Stacey 
Support to rock excavations provided by sprayed liners 
Customer satisfaction through optimal distribution of stock
H Laurie, S Smith 
Customer satisfaction through optimal distribution of stock 


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2006
Preface, List of delegates, Problems MISG 2006 Preface, List of delegates, Problems
Executive Summaries MISG 2006 Executive Summaries
Detailed Technical Reports  
Optimization of deliveries from distribution points
T Ronkainen, M M Ali, M Engelbrecht 
Optimization of deliveries from distribution points
Analysis of the potential mechanisms of rockbursts
J A L Napier 
Analysis of the potential mechanisms of rockbursts 
HIV modelling in a labour force
L C Masinga, D S Sherwell, C Myburgh 
HIV modelling in a labour force 
Modelling the temperature, maturity and moisture content in a drying concrete block
J Charpin, T Meyers, A Sjoberg, Y Ballim 
Modelling the temperature, maturity and moisture content in a drying concrete block 
Polar plots of diamond surface energy
C S Bohun, J Gravesen, H Laurie, J Hansen 
Polar plots of diamond surface energy 
Modelling air blasts in a long tunnel with surface roughness
M Anthonyrajah, M Khalique, D P Mason, E Mureithi, T R Stacey 
Modelling air blasts in a long tunnel with surface roughness 


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2007
Preface, List of delegates, Executive summaries MISGSA2007-Participants-ExecutiveSummaries.pdf
The laminar turbulent transition of yield stress fluids in large pipes, S. Mitchell and T. Myers Laminar Turbulent transition.pdf
Effect of thermal gradients on the random diffusion of a light solute in a heavier solvent, J.P.F. Charpin, M.K. Banda, A. Sjoberg, B.W. Mwakikunga and J.O. Hansen Thermal gradients.pdf
Mine support mechanisms using a limit equilibrium analysis, D.P. Mason and J.A.L. Napier Mine support mechanisms.pdf
Multi-stage manufacturing sequence management, R. Jacquier, C. Myburgh and P. Pihlajasaari Multistage manufacturing.pdf


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2008
Preface, List of delegates, Executive summaries  ProceedingsMISGA08.pdf
An investigation of data compression techniques for hyperspectral core imager data, K-A Cawse, S. Damelin, L. du Plessis, R. McIntyre, M. Mitchley and M Sears Investigation-1.pdf
Rockbursts and mud, E. Mureithi and N. Fowkes mud.pdf

Time domain dynamic simulations of river networks, T. Lange, M.K. Banda and J-MT Ngnotchouye

time domain simulations.pdf

Wrinkling of paper labels on beer bottles, J.P.F. Charpin, N. Fowkes, M. Khalique, D.P. Mason, T.G. Myers, A. Sjöberg and D.C. Vakaskar


Flow of a yield stress fluid through a notch,  J.P.F. Charpin and T.G. Myers

Notch report2.pdf


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2009
Preface, List of delegates, Executive summaries  PrefaceExecutiveSummaries2009.pdf
A mathematical model of a roadblock, H. Ockendon, D.P. Mason, D. Fanucchi, T. la Foy, T.Oliphant and M. Khaliquek 2009MathematicalModelofRoadblock.pdf
A linear programming and stochastic analysis of mining replacement rate for typical Bushveld Complex platinum reef conventional mining under variable geological losses, C. Musingwini, M. M. Ali and T. Dikgale 2009MiningReplacementRate.pdf

An overview and ideas on autonomous robot path planning algorithms, D. Fanucchi, J. Claassens, M.K. Banda and Simukai Utete


Pebble Bed: Reflector treatment and pressure velocity coupling, J.P.F. Charpin, N.S. Kobo, K. Legodi, O.D. Makinde, J.-M. T. Ngnotchouye, H. Ockendonk, A.Z. Owinoh, S. Peppin and J. Whiteley


Merging of image data from multiple sensors, M. Sears, S. Damelin, M. Mitchley and L. du Plessis



Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2010
Preface, List of delegates, Executive summaries  MISG2010introduction.pdf
Positron Emission Particle Tracking, A. Morrison, L. Bbosay, J. Newling, N. Fowkes and I. Govender peptfinal-MISG2010.pdf
A method for stochastic estimation of cost and completion time of a mining project, E. Newby , F.D. Fomeni, M.M. Ali and C. Musingwini ProjectEst2010MISG.pdf
Wind Turbine Design, N.D. Fowkes, A.D. Fitt, D.P. Mason and F. Bruce turbinesnevMISG2010.pdf
Production of biofuels using hydrolysis and fermentation, J.P.F. Charpin, A.D. Fitt, H. Lauriez, H. Mambili, A. Ouhinou, A. Oomykala and L.Uys biotechnologyreportMISG2010.pdf
Vortex lattice methods for hydrofoils, Alistair Fitt and Neville Fowkes HydrofoilMISG2010.pdf


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2011
Preface, List of delegates, Problems  MISG2011introduction.pdf
Mobile Device Detection based on User Agent Strings, G.C. Hocking cell_report-2011MISG.pdf
Coal Mine Pillar Extraction, C. Please, D.P. Mason, C. M. Khalique and J.M. T. Ngnotchouye. Download pdf
Rough or smooth balls? That is the queston, G. Myers and S.L. Mitchell MISGA11Soccerballreport3.pdf
Transforming South African sugar cane factories to biorefineries, G. Hocking and A. Adewumi sugarMISG2011.pdf
Optimal assignment of blood in a bloodbanking system, J.P.F. Charpin, A. Adewumi BloodassignmentMISG2011.pdf
Optimization model for campus parking space allocation, J.P.F. Charpin, A. Adewumi, G. Hocking and M.M. Ali parkingreportMISG2011.pdf


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2012
Preface, List of delegates, Problems  MISG2012-introduction.pdf
Rising water table and seismicity, N.D. Fowkes, G. Hocking, C.P. Please, D.P. Mason and R. Kgatle aciddrainage12012.pdf
Agile project scheduling in software development, E. Newby RCPSPMISG2012.pdf
Modelling the extraction of sugar from sugar cane in a diffuser, C. Breward, G. Hocking, H. Ockendon, C. Please and D. Schwendeman sugarreport42013.pdf
Liquid flow in a sugar centrifugal, C.P. Please, N.D. Fowkes, D.P. Mason, C.M. Khalique, A. Hutchinson and M. C. Rademeyer centrifuge2013.pdf
On PID control for nonlinear active vehicle suspension systems, O.A. Dahunsi, J.O. Pedro and M.M. Ali centrifuge2013.pdf Ali2013.pdf


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2013
Preface, List of delegates, Problems  MISGSA013.pdf
Mathematical simulation of a glass furnace, N.D. Fowkes, C.P. Please,A. Hutchinson and G. Fareo furnace1anew.pdf
Optimal black generation in glass manufacturing, R Phillips, M Woolway, D Fanucchi, M Ali Glass2013.pdf
A Mathematical Model of Black Rhino Translocation Strategy, D Aldila, AJ Hutchinson, M Woolway, N Owen-Smith & E Soewono Combine Result Rhino.pdf


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2014
Preface, List of delegates, Problems ProceedingsMISGSA2014.pdf
Unsteady flow in a diffuser, G. Hocking, S.L. Mitchell, T.G. Myers, M. MacDevette and V. Cregan Unsteadyflow.pdf 
The effect of allowing mini-bus taxis to use bus lanes on Rapid Transport Routes. N.D. Fowkes, D. Fanucchi, D. Raphulu, S. Simelane, M. Sejeso and R. Kgatle busesandtaxis.pdf
Predicting and mitigating the effects of air blasts in mines, J.F. McKenzie and N.D. Fowkes Predicting.pdf
Predicting of fracturing of the roof in a platinum mine. D. Newman, A.J. Hutchinson and D.P. Mason Platinum mine report


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2015
Preface, List of delegates, Problems, Executive summaries Proceedings misg15.pdf
An energy efficiency index for the South African sugar industry, G. Hocking, E. Gibson and S. Mitchell sugarenergy15.pdf
The use of spray on liners for wall stabilisaton in mines, DP Mason, ND Fowkes, RM Yemata and CA Nnakenyi  misgliners2015a.pdf
The effect of allowing taxis to use bus lanes on BRT routes, N. Fowkes, G.C. Hocking y, M. Aliz, S.L. Mitchell Buses and taxis


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2016
Preface, List of delegates, Problems, Executive summaries Combined Result MISG2016
Rock strength, brittleness and blast fragmentation, N. D. Fowkes, G. C. Hocking, D. P. Mason Rock strength, brittleness and blast fragmentation 
Spontaneous Combustion of Sugar Cane Bagasse, T.G. Myers, M.R.R. Kgatle, A.G. Fareo, S.L. Mitchell and H.Laurie Spontaneous Combustion of Sugar Cane Bagasse 
Air Traffic Flow Management Rerouting Problem (ATFMRP), A.S. Alochukwu, F. Getachew, I. Campbell, A. Adewumi and M.M. Ali Air Traffic Flow Management Rerouting Problem (ATFMRP)
Utility pricing death spiral, J. Hutchinson, E. Gibson, T. Phaweni Utility Pricing Death Spiral (Currently being reviewed by a referee)


Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2017
Preface, List of delegates, Problems Combined Result MISG2017
Executive summaries Combined Executive Summary 2017
Pollution from Hazardous Landfill Sites,
Reem Elmahdi, Gerhard Kirsten, Colin Please
Pollution from Hazardous Landfill Sites
The effects of lane position in a swimming race The effects of lane position in a swimming race
Hard to Boil Massecuite Hard to Boil Massecuite
Optimal movie scheduling Optimal movie scheduling (Currently being reviewed by a referee) 
Safe storage of sugar cane bagasse Safe storage of sugar bagasse
Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2018
Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2019
Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2020
Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2021
Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2022
Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2023
Proceedings of the Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2024

MISG 2024 Proceedings - Preface

Executive Summaries 2024

Technical Reports 2024

Report 1 - 

D. Masters students completed

Mark C Jeoffreys
University: University of the Witwatersrand
Date: November 2006
Dissertation: Subspace tracking, discrimination of unexploded ordinances (UXO) in airborne magnetic field gradients
Supervisor: Dr N Pendock
Despina Newman
University: University of the Witwatersrand 
Date: May 2016
Dissertation: Turbulent hydraulic fracturing described by Prandtl's mixing length
Supervisor: Prof D P Mason
Gideon Fareo
University: University of the Witwatersrand
Date: June 2008
Dissertation: Group invariant solutions for a pre-existing fluid-driven fracture in permeable rock
Supervisor: Prof D P Mason
Prince Lerato Phokomela
University: University of the Witwatersrand 
Date: July 2016
Dissertation: Non - linear integer programming fleet assignment model
Supervisor: Dr Ian Campbell and Prof Montaz Ali
Marlyn Anthonyrajah
University: University of the Witwatersrand 
Date: July 2011
Dissertation: Turbulent flow in channels and fractures:  conservation laws and Lie group analysis
Supervisor: Prof D P Mason
Zinhle Sangweni
University: University of the Witwatersrand 
Date: July 2016
Dissertation: Flow of a thin ribbon of molten glass on a bath of molten tin
Supervisor: Prof D P Mason

E. Doctoral students completed

Gideo Fareo
University: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Date: January 2013
Thesis: Group invariant solutions for a pre-existing fracture driven by a non-Newtonian fluid in permeable and impermeable rock
Supervisor: Prof D P Mason 
Rahab Kgatle
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Date: June 2015
Thesis: Propogation of a hydraulic fracture with tortuosity: linear and hyberbolic crack laws

F. Feedback

  1. Columbus Stainless Steel

    Dear Professor Ali,
    I would like to thank you for the Matlab application forDate the Cold Mills scheduling that you developed. The program is working well and provides us with a more scientific method to schedule the mills. This program will form the basis for our drive to increase the throughput at the mills.

    Cold Mills Process Development Manager
    Cold Processes

  2. CaterPlus

    Dear Gerhard

    Thank you kindly for your introduction to the MISG. The study group highlighted several interesting (and valuable) aspects for us, aspects that will reshape our business in the future. I have made several contacts during the study group, both domestic and international, and I shall continue to communicate with these people for some time to come. It was an extremely valuable exercise and we will strongly consider participating again in future, because of the differing insights the forum provide into our day to day operations.

    I look forward to discussing the MISG with you in greater detail in the foreseeable future.

    I truly apologies for the delay in my reply to you.
    Yours faithfully
    Martin Engelbrecht

  3. NIssan South Africa

    Good morning Pekka

    I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to join you guys at the Wits seminar / Workshop. I was fascinated by the different subjects being dealt with, and enjoued the exposure to different problems. At least we know now that we are not the only industry experiencing difficult problems. I sepnt a good part of the weekend discussing the experience with friends. Oh and before I forget, well done on moderating a possible solution for our sequencing concerns.

    Billy Hunter
    V-Pilot (Manufacting)
    Corporate Planning

  4. Platinum Mining

    The selection of a mining replacement rate has both economic and operational implications on platinum mines.  The selection has not been previously approached from a scientific basis but has rather relied on rule-of-thumb.  The Study Group was able to decompose the problem into a two-stage LP solution followed by a simulation component to evaluate the impact of variable geology on the optimal solution.  The Group is still working on the simulation part.  The solution will definitely provide an insight to mine planners on how to optimise the mining replacement rate.


    Cuthbert Musingwini
    School of Mining Engineering
    University of the Witwatersrand

  5. Robot Motion

    I really enjoyed participating in MISGSA 2009.  I was impressed by the work done by our student team.  I hope to follow up some of the work in honours projects co-supervised in the department.


    Simukai Utete
    CSIR Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems

  6. Zyelabs:

    The amount of effor put into our problem: Detecting mobile devices, is immense. The skill with which each part of the topic has been broken down is of a high standard that shows elevated intellectual capability in basic, strategic and applied research.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has put effort in putting this event together and making it a success.

    Moreover, I am indebted to my team members for exerting themselves in their work. I have grown immensely.

    Well done! 
    Ms Rumbidzai Mukungunugwa 

  7. Professor Colin Please

    Dear Neville
    Very well done and many thanks for putting so much time and effort into this project and paper.  I am very impressed by the extent to which the South African Study Groups have managed to get the new ideas and problems into the literature.


    Colin Please
    Prof of Applied Mathematics
    Co-director of the EPSRC CDT in Industrially Focused Mathematical Modelling
    OCIAM, University of Oxford.

  8. Dear Richard,
    Thanks so much for sending this through to me. I've scanned through it and admire the thinking process, and the happy implementation of their mathematical tools to derive a more rational portrayal of the fragmentation process without becoming bogged down in the extended refinement.


    Professor CVB Cunningham (Retired)
    African Explosives Limited,
    South Africa

