Covid disrupts traditional rituals of mourning
We need to find ways to grieve as individuals, and collectively as a nation, or we risk grief becoming chronic, unleashing psychological and physical illnesses.

Regular physical activity may boost effectiveness of Covid-19 jab
A new study by a team of South African researchers shows the more you exercise, the more protective Covid vaccination seems to be.

How the lockdown in SA affected mental health
Pasha Podcast: When SARS-CoV-2 emerged, the country took measures to restrict people’s movements and activities, to slow the spread of infections.

Covid-19 Update 87: Masks are voluntary
Return to campus plans and the way forward.

Covid vaccines and pregnancy: a review of the evidence shows they are safe
In all the research reviewed, none found any safety concerns regarding COVID vaccines during pregnancy.

Covid-19 Update 86: Infections are increasing
Please take note of rising infections in the country and particularly in Gauteng. Please get vaccinated if you have not done so yet.

Race and class fears amplified on Twitter when Covid-19 hit
Study of tweets in Kenya and South Africa shows online rage towards white communities and privileged classes can be read as fatigue with the postcolonial state.

Covid-19 risks remain
At this point it’s pragmatic to integrate COVID-19 management into routine health practices.

Covid-19 Update 85: Over 90% of those accessing Wits' campuses are vaccinated
It is with great appreciation that we thank you and members of our wider Wits community for vaccinating and in so doing, making Wits a safer place for all.

New Covid-19 regulations are the real state of disaster
The incoherent and illogical new government Covid-19 regulations are the real state of disaster

New project will examine Covid-19 vaccine acceptance in southern Africa
A new project will examine Covid-19 vaccine acceptance in SA and Zimbabwe and recommend strategies to promote vaccination.

Covid-19 Update 84: Over 30 000 vaccination certificates uploaded
The academic programme began in earnest today and it was fantastic to see students in class again and staff back on campus.

Omicron doesn’t need its own custom vaccine
The Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was discovered in South Africa and emerged in November 2021.

South Africa has arrived at the recovery stage of the pandemic
South Africa is in a new phase of the COVID pandemic. But vaccination remains crucial.

Covid-19 Update 83: Changes to screening tools
LogBox App is being streamlined to make it easier for you to complete the questions.

Covid-19 Update 82: Changes to isolation protocols and FAQs
The South African government released new Covid-19 regulations as at 31 January 2022, pertaining to changes to isolation protocols.

The inside story of discovering the Omicron variant
The Conversation Weekly podcast: What South African scientists' experience offers the world about future variants.

Covid-19: New tracker for shopping malls
Wits team develops social distancing and shopper behaviour tracker for malls.

Covid-19 Update 81: Vaccination and testing site now open
Apply for reasonable accommodation and upload your international vaccine certificate.

The cornerstone of good science
Covid-19: Scientists without quality data are like unarmed soldiers in a war zone.

The limits of “lawfare” as a political tool
Covid-19 in South Africa shows the limits of using courts to fight political battles.

The Gender Commission has failed women
Scientists say the Commission’s statement against mandatory vaccinations is offensive, irresponsible and misleading.

End SA’s national state of disaster
Covid-19: On 15 March 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act.

Covid-19 Update 80: Thank you! 7 500+ vaccine certificates uploaded
If you are experiencing glitches in uploading your certificate, this information might help. You can also log technical queries via ithelp@wits.ac.za.

Covid-19 Update 79: You can now upload your vaccine certificate
Mandatory vaccination: The link to upload your vaccine certificate is now live.

Covid-19 Update 78: Implementation of Wits Mandatory Vaccination Policy
Wits University adopted a Mandatory Vaccination Policy (Mvax Policy), which will be implemented from 1 January 2022.

South Africa has changed tack on tackling Covid: why it makes sense
The South African government has chosen a pragmatic approach that balances the potential direct and detrimental indirect effects of Covid.

Covid-19 Update 77: Wits Covid-19 Vaccination Implementation Plan
Wits Universit's Mandatory Vaccination Policy (MVAX Policy) will be implemented in January 2022.

Omicron data: more transmissible but less severe
Early data show that Omicron is dominating new COVID-19 cases in Gauteng province.

Ensuring optimal service delivery on campus
From bathrooms to buses and public areas on campus, the unsung heroes in the Services Department wage a daily battle against the virus.

Omicron: five steps to avoid, ten to take immediately
The world needs to learn to live with the virus. And governments must follow the science and don’t distort it for political expediency.

Covid-19 Update 76: Council approves Wits Covid-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy
Read the full statement, the policy, and the Q&A information document wherein Wits experts answer questions about vaccination, legal, ethical, and more.

The hunt for coronavirus variants
Covid 19: How the new one was found and what we know so far.

Anti-vax parents
Unpacking parents’ reasons for not vaccinating their children: why it matters

Covid-19: Should South Africa be vaccinating 12-17 year olds
The focus of the government seems to be about how many people can get vaccinated rather than ensuring the greatest protection against severe disease and deaths.

Covid-19 Update 75: Senate supports mandatory vaccination policy
"We will also continue to engage with the broader Wits community on the proposed policy in the coming weeks."

Online teaching and learning: Towards a realistic view of the future
The shift to emergency remote teaching and learning enabled academics to start questioning some long-held assumptions about in-person teaching and learning.

Covid-19 Update 74: Wits Mandatory Vaccination Framework
The proposed Framework has been developed and will be shared with staff, students, senior managers, organised labour, and other constituencies for comment.

Palliative care and Covid-19: A patient’s quality of life and dignified death are paramount
Calls to permit nurses in South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania to prescribe morphine to help ease patient's suffering and give them a dignified death.

Head of UNAIDS unpacks the knock-on effects of Covid-19
Greater urgency is needed in the response to pandemics, to end AIDS and to end COVID-19.

Wits-educated billionaire launches R3-billion vaccine development project in SA
It will help to establish two research centres to boost cancer and vaccine research at the University of the Witwatersrand.

Covid vaccine mandates don’t have to undermine your rights
While South Africa has steered clear of compulsory vaccination for now, the country’s laws do allow such a policy.

Millions of children miss routine vaccinations amid the chaos of Covid-19
Urgent catch-up plans are needed.

Covid-19 Update 73: Return to campus plans
Details on vaccination and the return of staff members to campus.

Covid fallout: Vulnerability and signs of recovery in Gauteng
There is no doubt about the enormous scale of the shocks South Africa has experienced over 2020-21.

How Messenger RNA works in nature and in making vaccines
Thanks to the collaborative efforts, the large-scale manufacturing of mRNA drug products is becoming a reality.

Campus vaccination site to fight Covid-19
Staff and students choose to protect each other as they receive their Covid-19 vaccination on campus.

Covid-19 Update 72: Netcare vaccination site at Wits
Wits staff and students can now get their Covid-19 vaccine at the Netcare site on campus.

New lineage of SARS-CoV-2: what’s known so far
We are being cautious about the implications for vaccine efficacy and transmissibility while we gather more data to understand this lineage.

Update 71: Witsies can also vaccinate at the SABC vaccination site
Wits staff and students can now get their Covid-19 vaccine at the SABC vaccination site in Auckland Park.

Covid-19 Update 70: Dedicated slots for Witsies to vaccinate in Braamfontein
Wits staff and students who are 18 years and older can now get their Covid-19 vaccine at the Liberty vaccination site in Braamfontein.

Covid-19 Update 69: 18+ you're up! Don't hesitate - vaccinate
Covid-19 vaccinations are open to all persons 18 years and older as from Friday, 20 August 2021.

Variants, the fourth wave, vaccines and the unlikelihood of herd immunity
What might happen in South Africa?

Covid-19 herd immunity is not going to happen, so what next?
When politicians and others speak about herd immunity, unfortunately, they are under the misconception that the current tools that we’ve got are adequate.

Covid-19: Herd immunity is not achievable
Pasha 118: We need to learn to live with COVID-19.

Six myths about vaccination for Covid-19 put to rest
The circulation of misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine poses the danger of hampering the government’s efforts to control the pandemic.

Excluding migrants undermines the success of Covid-19 vaccine rollouts
Failure to ensure access for all to prevention and treatment, including vaccines, undermines national responses to Covid-19.

Leave no one behind: We must urgently address vaccination of undocumented migrants and asylum seeker
We call on Acting Health Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi to do the right thing to ensure the Covid-19 vaccination programme is inclusive.

Everything you need to know about vaccines — our only viable strategy for living with Covid-19
We are likely to keep being hit by further waves of this virus until at least all adults have immunity.

Covid-19 in children: the South African experience and way forward
Schools are not driving the COVID-19 pandemic and can safely remain open provided people stick to the non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 prevention.

What last week’s vandalising of our research clinic in Kliptown, Soweto, means to science
Despite the critical role of the PHRU as part of the national and international Covid-19 response team, it was not spared during the recent unrest.

Covid-19 vaccine research ALIVE and thriving at Wits
The Wits African Leadership in Vaccinology Expertise (ALIVE) has awarded research grants for cross-disciplinary Covid-19 vaccine-related projects.

Spike in COVID-19 cases points to gaps in South Africa’s response
Preventing new infections and containing the pandemic protects health systems from getting close to collapse.

The Covid gender gap
Women suffered a large and disproportionate effect in the labour market as a result of the hard lockdown, but they’ve also been slower to recover.

Healthcare in South Africa: how inequity is contributing to inefficiency
Patients shouldn't be treated better simply because they can afford to pay more.

South Africa’s vaccine quagmire, and what needs to be done now
South Africa has clearly suffered the consequences of poor strategic decisions to this point. It doesn't need to continue along these lines.

The Delta variant and South Africa’s vaccination problems
Pasha 113: The Covid-19 resurgence in South Africa is likely to take a heavy toll. It is important for vaccination efforts to be ramped up.

The passing of Professor Audrey Msimanga
Professor Audrey Msimanga, the Head of the Wits School of Education, has passed away.

Level 4 COVID-19 lockdown puts spotlight back on vaccination failures
South Africa didn't engage early enough with pharmaceutical companies in bilateral discussions to ensure it could get vaccines early.

Covid-19 Update 68: Implications of level 4 regulations on Witsies
What the new regulations mean for Wits staff and students.

Professor Zeblon Vilakazi on the impact of the third Covid-19 wave
Gauteng is currently the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic, with almost 11 000 new infections reported in the province on Wednesday.

Covid-19 resurgence in Gauteng: A crisis that is likely to worsen rapidly
Despite the predictability of the resurgence, unfortunately, Gauteng health facilities are seemingly underprepared to deal with the spike of Covid-19 cases.

Covid-19 has worsened SA's system of developing the skills of young people
The pandemic has heightened existing weaknesses in South Africa's skills training regime.

Update 66: Reporting infections
We are in the midst of the third wave, infection rates are rising steeply across the country and hospital beds are filling up quickly.

Survey to unearth health info practices around Covid-19 in SA
Various studies have been conducted to understand the issues surrounding the Corona virus, and its impact on different population groups.

Children are easy targets for exploitation and traffickers during Covid-19
The theme for this year’s Child Protection Week, which began on 31 May, is “Let us all protect children during Covid-19 and beyond”.

We must seize the moment for a global pandemic surveillance and response scheme
No more pandemics—this is the ambitious goal set by the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response

Book calls for a rethink of capitalism amid the ravages of Covid-19
Rethinking capitalism requires that the primary focus should be on the distribution of economic power as the potential leading causal factor driving inequality.

One of the world’s coolest inventions
South African-born engineer and entrepreneur is making a significant contribution in the fight against Covid-19.

Covid-19 Update 65: Keep safe
The third wave of the coronavirus has started in Gauteng and is rapidly gaining momentum as we head into the winter season.

How South Africa dropped the ball on health communication
Community leaders and outreach community workers are calling on education to enhance their understanding of Covid-19.

Five ways to measure the effects of COVID-19 on women
Women have been affected by the pandemic more than men in many ways. Policies should reflect this.

Novavax Covid-19 vaccine trial results show efficacy against the B.1.351 variant in SA study
Results from the initial primary analysis of the Novavax Covid-19 vaccine trial conducted by Wits VIDA in SA have been published.

South African Oxford AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine study a global game-changer
Findings of the SA study in the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

Novavax Covid-19 vaccine trial results in SA and UK confirm high levels of efficacy
Results of the Novavax Covid-19 vaccine trial in SA and UK have confirmed high levels of efficacy against the original and variant Covid-19.

Not using AstraZeneca vaccine goes against the spirit of what the Health Department espoused
Every additional day of procrastination lends itself to much of the R75m used to procure the vaccine going to waste.

Covid-19 recoveries: Our stories of hope
Wits staff members share their Covid-19 experiences and quest to survive.

Reasons to be optimistic about sub-Saharan higher education after Covid-19
Tertiary education often carries societal benefits that far outweigh the initial investments necessary to establish a strong and productive system.

Oxford Covid-19 vaccine trial results
The Wits Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics (VIDA) Research Unit, which runs the Oxford Covid-19 vaccine trial in South Africa, has announced results.

Oxford Covid-19 vaccine shows sustained protection of 76% during 3-month interval until second dose
Researchers at the University of Oxford have today published in Preprints with The Lancet an analysis of further data from the ongoing trials of the vaccine.

Results from Novavax vaccine trials in the UK and South Africa differ: why, and does it matter?
The Novavax vaccine is the first that provides objective scientific evidence that it can protect people against the variant virus circulating in South Africa.

Covid-19 Update 64: Return to campus plans
All University entities are required to be fully operational as from 1 February 2021.

Covid 19 Update 64 - Return to campus
Update on the return to campus of staff members.

Novavax Covid-19 vaccine the first to demonstrate clinical efficacy against South African variant
Clinical efficacy demonstrated in Phase 2b South Africa trial.

SA can take on vaccine nationalism of rich countries
South Africa has the legal tools to challenge the vaccine nationalism of rich countries.

Covid-19 Update 63: Infection summary
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

Calling the (behavioural) shots over vaccines
It will take 67% of the population to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity; here is how those still reluctant can be persuaded to join in.

Vaccine nationalism and migration
Implications for the (mis)management of Covid-19 in South Africa.

Covid-19 policy briefs must be realistic: a review by young southern African scientists
African leaders can make strategies to fight COVID-19 more accessible to the people.

Update 62: Our collective responsibility
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

South Africa failed to get its act together on vaccines
Critics of the South African government argue that it has done too little too late to secure vaccines, and that it doesn't have a proper roll-out plan in place.

SA's vaccine strategy mistakes
Pasha 91: Blunders that left South Africa trailing in the vaccine stakes

Why the state’s new toys won’t help South Africa’s response to Covid-19
Drones, dinghies and an army helicopter - the new toys are diverting resources, and diverting attention.

Towards herd immunity from Covid-19: Costing a vaccine strategy for South Africa
This article examines and estimates the financial implications of a vaccine strategy with a goal of achieving herd immunity.

Vaccines for South Africa. Now
It is distressing to hear senior officials increasingly talking down the prospects for the availability and usefulness of Covid-19 vaccines in South Africa.

Update 61: Adjusted level 3 implications
Implications of adjusted Level 3 regulations for staff and students.

Higher education reconsidered
Beyond the pandemic and possibilities for new knowledge architectures.

All you should know about where we are with Covid-19 vaccines
What are the urgent steps that South Africans need to take to prepare for a timeous life-saving roll out of vaccines?

AI helps to identify new Covid-19 hotspots in Gauteng
Gauteng Government, IBM Research and Wits University are fighting the pandemic with artificial intelligence.

Covid-19 Update 60: Infection Summary
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

Covid-19 Update 59: Infection Summary
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

Fake news and misinformation kill
How can you trust what you are told about Covid-19?

Covid-19 Update 58: Advice from Scientists Collective
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

Covid-19 Update 57: Infection summary
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

Wits University statement on Oxford Covid-19 vaccine results in UK and Brazil populations
Scientists at Wits University are encouraged by results announced today by colleagues at the University of Oxford in collaboration with AstraZeneca.

Covid-19: Update 56 - Infection summary
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

Covid-19 Update 55: All services must be operational
Following President Cyril Ramaphosa's address.

Covid-19 Update 54: Infection summary
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

Real-time data is critical for detecting outbreaks
South Africa is testing digital technology to detect outbreaks of respiratory diseases.

Moribund Council on Higher Education is immobilising academic agility
Quality assurance entities are immobilising the system and hindering the ability of more students to access online education.

Biomimicry control for Covid diagnostics
Wits researchers develop solution to improve accuracy and safety of Covid-19 testing.

Covid-19 Update 53: Infection summary
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

Anticipating a 'second wave'
Covid-19: When and how South Africa should try to prevent or mitigate it.

Covid-19 Update 52: Infection summary
Update on the latest Covid-19 testing and infection of staff and students.

What South Africans must do to avoid a resurgence of COVID-19 infections
It is key to continue high-impact non-pharmaceutical interventions that will not impede economic activity, but limit the spread of COVID-19.

Covid-19 pandemic drives need for policy brief on physical activity for health in Africa
More than ever, the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to prioritise physical activity as an imperative for public health in Africa.

New global health research to reduce the impacts of Covid-19 across low- and middle-income countries
Wits Health Consortium divisions - PRICELESS-SA, Agincourt and Ezintsha - secure grant in association with Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Update 51: Infection summary
Latest update on infections and university protocols.

Chinese businesses donate personal protective equipment to Wits students
Members of the Chinese community in South Africa open their hearts to Wits students to protect them from Covid-19.

Trial to test if measles, mumps, rubella vaccine protects healthcare workers against Covid-19
The measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine may strengthen immune response to viral infections, including SARS-CoV-2, which causes Covid-19.

Covid-19 Update 50: Keep safe
Appeal to adhere to safety regulations and preventative protocols.

Covid-19 Update 49: Clarity on return to campus plans
Answers to queries raised by organised labour and staff members.

Covid-19 Update 48 - Return to campus under lockdown level 1
Covid-19 policies and protocols pertaining to lockdown level 1.

Depression and mental health issues skyrocket
Our results show that the prevalence of depressive symptoms seems to have doubled between 2017 and June 2020 (Covid-19 era).

The she-cession
Wave 2 of the Nids-Cram survey shows how women have fared with the gradual reopening of SA’s economy as the lockdown levels are eased.

How social security could make life better in SA after COVID-19
Emergency relief measures were operational for six months and are due to end soon. But the impacts of COVID-19 will be felt long after.

Covid 19 Update 47 - Preparing to return to campus under Lockdown Level 1
The Senior Executive Team (SET) met this week and agreed in principle to the coordinated return of more students and staff to our campuses from 5 October 2020.

Covid-19 Update 46 - Level 1 is here
We welcome the news that South Africa will move to national lockdown level 1 from Monday, 21 September 2020.

Work from home reserved for the privileged few in SA
Digital divides ensure that only 11% of households have access to the internet.

Wits University resumes vaccinating in the Oxford Covid-19 vaccine trial
Wits University has resumed vaccinating in the Oxford Covid-19 vaccine trial currently also underway in the UK, Brazil and the U.S.

Covid-19 policy: Public engagement is crucial
A balancing act between scientific data and health and broader socioeconomic implications is needed when policymakers prioritise interventions and measures.

Why halting the COVID-19 vaccine trial is part of the process
The experience of the Oxford vaccine and the measures put into place are not unusual. Many phase one and phase two clinical trials have holding rules.

A new app helps COVID-19 frontline workers with mental health
Pasha 80: Fighting the coronavirus can put severe strain on a person’s mental health.

Wits University pauses Oxford Covid-19 vaccine trial as part of standard regulatory procedure
Wits University will pause the Covid-19 vaccine trial it is running with the University of Oxford following a medical event in a volunteer in the UK.

Wits, GCRO, IBM and Gauteng Province opens Covid-19 dashboard to public
The Gauteng Province has been using data and cloud technologies to monitor and respond to Covid-19, and now they are sharing access with the public.

The claim that SA’s economy has declined by 51% is a misrepresentation of the facts
South Africa’s Gross Domestic Product has not halved as reported by several publications and commentators over the past 24 hours.

Solid, altruistic global leadership is the only way to face future crises and win
Covid-19 has taught us that investing in health security research, preparedness and responsiveness, nationally, regionally and globally, is critical.

Why Africa needs to be involved in the development of Covid-19 vaccines
Understanding the epidemiology of Covid-19 and moving forward would be critical to determining policy on the need to adopt interventions.

Covid-19 Symposium: Meeting the challenge
Symposium to focus on key challenges in dealing with a delayed but explosive unfolding of Covid-19 in parts of Africa.

Covid-19 Update 45: Policies and Protocols - All you need to know
All staff and students are reminded of the approved Wits Covid-19 policy, Emergency Response Plan and other associated protocols.

GCRO map shows more women get Covid-19 in Gauteng
More women (56%) than men are testing positive for COVID-19 in Gauteng.

Post-Covid Africa will have to save itself. It is a terrifying task
African countries, with their lack of quality leaders, weak states and little fiscal reserves face economic, political and social disorder.

Covid-19 and climate emergency: A painful irony
The coronavirus is a moment to be humble and realise our finitude in a wondrous and infinite natural order.

Covid-19 Update 44 – The Move to Level Two
Level two will allow more staff and students to return to campus. Faculties will invite carefully selected cohorts of students to return.

South Africa’s second COVID-19 vaccine trial explained
Pasha 78: Listen to Professor Shabir Madhi, explaining how the new vaccine trial will work

How lockdown has affected the health of South Africa's poor
Poor populations bore a disproportionately higher burden of poor health.
Study on SARS-CoV-2 transmission by asymptomatic people in rural and urban SA
How many people in one household contract SARS-CoV-2, transmit it without having symptoms, and how does this virus interact with other pathogens in the home?

Appoint a war Cabinet now to tackle Covid-19 crises
SA should fire the current Cabinet and set up a national “emergency” one with the best talents in the country prevent it from plunging down the cliff.

Covid 19: Scientific excellence will help explore new frontiers
When university resources are scarce, building and sustaining equitable research excellence should be paramount.

Covid-19 Update 42 - The phased return of students and staff to campuses
Wits’ protocols remain in place, and only students and staff with the requisite permits and permissions will be allowed entry to campuses.

Wits University begins its second Covid-19 vaccine trial in South Africa
Wits is the lead institution in South Africa for a second Covid-19 vaccine trial and will begin screening participants for the NVX-CoV2373 trial today.

Post Covid-19: What would universities look like?
Three South African vice-chancellors paint a post-COVID picture for universities.

Now is the time to lay a firmer school maths foundation
Covid-19's lockdown leads maths scores particularly being badly affected but a return to core concepts could be the answer to a pre-pandemic problem.

Pandemic underscores burden women carry doing paid and unpaid reproductive labour
Women’s extended working days have become normalised, despite the adverse effects on their progression within the labour market and general well-being.

Accounting, governance and integrated thinking
Special Report by the Wits School of Accounting on how companies should manage the Covid-19 pandemic.

Covid-19 Expert Advice #3: Testing for Covid-19? All you need to know about antibody tests
The third in a series of expert advisories on how to respond to Covid-19 which will be published from time to time by Maverick Citizen.

Covid-19 Expert Advice #2: Practical guidance on disinfecting
This is the second of a series of Expert Advisories on how to respond to Covid-19 which will be published from time to time by Maverick Citizen.

Covid-19 Expert Advice #1: How long should I isolate or quarantine for?
This is the first of a series of expert advisories on how to respond to Covid-19 which will be published from time to time by Maverick Citizen.

Wits students dominate global supercomputing competition
Despite Covid-19, Wits students won second place with their applications to aide analysis of Covid-19 data in the competition held online for the first time.

Wits experts to speak at international symposium on climate and environmental factors in COVID-19
Symposium coincides with the publication of their article on environmental drivers and the potential seasonality of COVID-19.

South Africans aren’t wearing masks or keeping their distance. This needs to change
Changing social norms in a short amount of time is difficult, and a one-size-fits all policy is unlikely to have the desired effect.

Africa’s research capacity is growing. That’s good news for pandemic response efforts
Investments are starting to help grow the African continent's science preparedness.

Covid-19: Women are bearing more costs and receiving fewer benefits
Even though women have suffered two thirds of the job losses since February, men have received two thirds of Covid-19 grants (65%).

Opposition parties struggle with how to play a Covid-19 role
South Africa’s opposition parties appear to be confused, chasing shadows or paralysed by the enormity of the Covid-19 crisis.

How to protect yourself against increased cyber threats
With the onset of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic, working and studying remotely have increased the risk of cybercrime.

Wits University senior clinicians volunteer for Covid-19 vaccine trial
Senior clinicians in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Wits University have volunteered to participate in South Africa’s first Covid-19 vaccine trial.

Covid-19 Update (36): It's in our hands
Witsies, please take care, adhere to social distancing and follow Covid-19 protocols.

COVID-19 vaccine trial in South Africa: everything you need to know
Not enough clinical research is being done in Africa. This has repercussions for when interventions become available and effective in high income countries.

SA faces devastating multiple social impact
Government urgently needs an integrated Covid-19 response to deal with mental illness, violence and crime.

Covid-19 update (35): Second phase of reopening
Phased return of more academic, professional and support staff and students to campuses.

Lockdowns and freedoms
SA had to have a hard lockdown because we don’t trust our government. Little since has made us change our minds.

More money for COVID-19 but SA lacks a spending strategy
South Africa's public health system has been allocated R21.5 billion more to fight the Covid-19 pandemic but there's no strategy to guide how it should be used.

Ideological responses, traditional economic theory won't lift SA out out of Covid-19 slump
South Africa will have to prioritise new business, employment and growth based on the current and new domestic and global needs unleashed by Covid-19.

Distance, Dose, Dispersion: Experts’ guide on Covid-19 risks in South Africa and how to manage them
Understand the three things that can make the most difference to easing the lockdown and reopening South Africa with the least risk.

SA's budget for COVID-19 fails to pave way for more equal society
The budget is one of the key tools that government has to effect meaningful change.

The first Covid-19 vaccine trial in South Africa begins
The first participants in South Africa's first clinical trial for a vaccine against Covid-19 will be vaccinated this week.

SA needs to block transmission routes to get Covid-19 under control
Testing and tracing has not been at a level needed to suppress the spread and must now focus on containing opportunities for super-spreading and transmissions.

Covid-19: The full economic impact will only be known later
South Africa needs to focus urgently on how COVID-19 will reshape its labour market.

Society is not ready to safely reopen schools and education centres
Government is steaming ahead with the reopening of schools. This is an overly hasty, ill-considered step for a number of reasons.

So you think investing in fever screening can curb the spread of COVID-19? Think again
Detecting fever requires measuring core body temperature. Screening measures the body's surface temperature.

Does alcohol have an undisclosed African heritage?
Until now the search for early evidence of alcohol has fixated on residue analysis.

South Africa needs a new governance model post-Covid-19
South Africa’s governance model, the way the country is run, is broken.

Covid-19 update (33) - Secure gateway enables teaching and learning
Students and staff members who have not already done so, must complete the student survey or staff survey before 8pm on Thursday, 11 June 2020.

Climate change, biodiversity loss and other global ills share root causes
By identifying the roots of global ills there's an opportunity for coordinated action as countries lay new pathways for a post-Covid world.

What sets good and bad leaders apart in the coronavirus era
It is no accident that those leaders who have responded worst to this crisis have been the main sources of countless conspiracy theories and misinformation.

It’s time to talk about coronavirus symptoms
Pasha 66 - The Conversation Africa's podcast series focus on questions arising from the symptoms of people who have contracted the coronavirus.

Covid-19 (Update 32) - Wits Screening APP goes live
Self-screening form on the app is for staff members with permits to be on campus, and students who have been invited to return to campus only.

Wits thanks SA Post Office for delivering laptops to students
SA Post Office enables online learning through the delivery of almost 5 000 laptops to Wits students across the country.

The false ideas surrounding the coronavirus
Pasha 66 - The Conversation Africa's podcast series focus on "Coronavirus conspiracy theories and myths".

Sub-Saharan Africa needs to plug local knowledge gap to up its anti-COVID-19 game
Africa needs to be better prepared to deal with future pandemics; starting with a re-assessment of how countries invest in – and support – local research.

Almost 16-million people allowed back to work
New level 3 regulations mark an important strategic shift in the government’s approach to the coronavirus pandemic.

Stop random Covid-19 testing and sort out the backlog
The testing backlog and proposed testing strategies outside hospital settings are threatening patient management and compromising health care workers’ safety.

The world is flat: Covid-19 becomes the driving force for 4IR
The most profound change is the accelerated of way in which digital transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution have moved at warp speed.

Covid-19 Update (31) - The phased return of students and staff to campuses
Information regarding the staggered approach adopted for a phased return to ensure wellbeing and safety of students and staff.

Long-term Data Access for 2020 - Wits partners with Vodacom
New initiative provides students with data to access selected URLs through the Wits network.

Dubious remedies will not decolonise Africa
So-called African solutions that are often uncritically accepted as ‘good’ do nothing for the continent

Covid-19 Update (30) - Wits Prepares for the return of some students
Final year students and other identified groups of students expected to return to campus from 8 June 2020.

Support for Professor Glenda Gray
Statement of Support for Professor Glenda Gray and the Principle of Academic Freedom of Speech.

Economic policy remains hotly contested in South Africa: this detailed history shows why
Book sheds new light on the evolution of the economic policy of the African National Congress, South Africa's governing party.

Covid-19 Update (29) - Students to receive an additional 15GB of data for next 15 days
The four telecommunications companies agree to extend the provision of data to students for another 15 days.

GeneXpert testing platform for TB repurposed to accelerate testing for Covid-19
Efforts to test for Covid-19 in SA have been boosted through repurposing the Cepheid GeneXpert® Systems, originally designed to test for tuberculosis (TB).

Wits' Covid-19 Standard Operating Procedures
The country remains in a level four lockdown, which means that only employees who render essential services are allowed to be on our campuses.

A new, fairer economy is possible, but that would mean sacrifice
That Covid-19, the lockdown and whatever will come after will have had a lasting and devastating impact on our economy seems indisputable.

Why arguments against quantitative easing hold no water
The Reserve Bank should be allowed to buy more government bonds and securities to support the liquidity of the banking system.

Why more must be done to fight bogus COVID-19 cure claims
Authorities around the world can do more to ensure that correct information and messages on the pandemic reach everybody.

South Africa’s COVID-19 strategy needs updating: here’s why and how
South Africa should base its COVID-19 mitigation strategy on the premise that the pandemic will last for two years unless a vaccine is developed before then.

What South Africa needs to forge a resilient social compact for Covid-19
Ramaphosa's call for a new social compact will fall on deaf ears unless there are some fundamental changes to the way in which the pandemic is being managed.

Covid-19 Update (28) - Wellness services for students and staff
A reminder to all students and staff about Wits' mental health and wellbeing services that are available to you during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown.

Wits Covid-19 Screening Tool
Information pertaining to the screening of staff and students entering University campuses and premises.

Choices in a fog of uncertainty: lessons for coronavirus from climate change
The science to policy process that was developed to guide climate mitigation decisions can be applied to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What should South Africa’s coronavirus endgame look like? Here are some options
SA's response to the COVID-19 pandemic was one of 'intervene first and ask questions later'. Now is the time for government say what its strategic endgame is.

Lockdown is riling black and white South Africans: could this be a reset moment?
It is rare for a post-authoritarian society to get two chances to reconcile. This may be just that, for white South Africans in particular.

South Africa’s COVID-19 testing strategy needs urgent fixing: here’s how to do it
Early reports by the National Health Laboratory Service indicated that it had the capacity to do 30,000 tests a day. But capability to do so has not materialise

Final year medical students will return to Wits on Monday, 11 May 2020.

Health and safety in the spotlight as South Africa’s miners go back to work
Miners face cramped working conditions, transportation in packed cages, and a high incidence of other respiratory diseases, posing considerable risks.

African countries are moving to make masks mandatory: key questions answered
Wearing masks is being introduced in conjunction with maintaining a physical distance of at least 1.5 metres; following hygiene measures such as hand washing.

The impact of coronavirus could compare to the Great Depression
And a corresponding rise in nationalism and xenophobia may follow, just as it did in the 1930s.

Why South Africa needs to ensure income security beyond the pandemic
Economic distress was the norm for many before the coronavirus outbreak. The pandemic is an opportunity to provide an economically secure future for all.

Wits needs 300 volunteers for COVID-19 rapid test study
Have you tested positive for coronavirus or been near someone who has? If so, your country urgently needs you for a South African COVID-19 rapid test study.

Let’s talk about ethics and treatment for COVID-19
In this episode of The Conversation - Africa's podcast, Pasha, Wits bioethics researchers discuss the difficult decisions facing health professionals.

Can the philosophy of ubuntu help provide a way to face health crises?
There are lessons for the health sector - the need for more coherent integration is undeniable.

Where there is political will there is a way to work across sectors
COVID-19: There are lessons for the health sector - the need for more coherent integration is undeniable.

Communities, not government, can and are fighting COVID-19
The heavy-handed, top-down approach during the lockdown has not worked; NGOs, coalitions and community networks have.

Coronavirus: why South Africa needs a wealth tax now
A wealth tax on the top 1% of South Africans could raise R143 billion. This corresponds to 29% of the R500 billion COVID-19 package announced by the government.

Complaints against SANDF
The SANDF and SAPS should not enforce the COVID-19 lockdown at the expense of undermining human rights, personal dignity and common sense.

SA faces food riots and breakouts from the lockdown
Getting food to the vulnerable, needy and poor during the COVID-19 lockdown is now increasingly urgent.

Wits publishes first clinical data on COVID-19 in South Africa
Health professionals will face difficult ethical decisions when it comes to dealing with COVID-19 patients.

Unpacking Ramaphosa’s COVID-19 rescue package
A major step forward, but some warning lights are flashing. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s social and economic rescue package leaves some questions unanswered.

Africa must make sure it’s part of the search for a coronavirus vaccine
To refuse inclusion would prevent Africa’s researchers from being significant players in the universal fight against the virus.

Numbers can kill: politicians should handle South Africa's coronavirus data with care
We’d all love to know more about our neighbours – from COVID-19 data, census data and other official data sources – but we shouldn't.

Toward a risk-based strategy for managing the COVID-19 epidemic: A modelling analysis
Given the protracted nature of the risk posed by the COVID-19, this paper seeks to address the need to match health prevention and a viable economy.

Saluting all Witsies combating the COVID-19 pandemic
These Wits heroes represent just a fraction of the clinical, academic, professional and administrative staff, alumni and students responding to this disaster.

Wits COVID-19 dashboard gets grant award from the IEEE
New features added as inter disciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration data on the pandemic grows.

South Africa needs a post-lockdown strategy that emulates South Korea
South Africa cannot afford to embark on a strategy of extended periodic lockdowns. It needs to shift to mass testing and contact tracing.

Coronavirus myths: Lessons from an AIDS study
Attempting to defeat these folk theories with science achieved little; the myth busters of the AIDS epidemic talked past those they were trying to convince.

COVID-19 risks forcing SA to make health trade-offs it can ill afford
South Africa could lose many children due to a measles outbreak which is completely preventable.

South Africa is bent on austerity and should change track
The South African government should be spending more, not less, to boost economic growth and create jobs.

Covid-19: Treatments, but at what cost?
Accessible & affordable medicine: We cannot wait for treatments to be available in high-income countries in order to negotiate prices for the rest of the world.

If you think lockdown is bad, spare a thought for SA’s prisoners
How more restless are those living in prison and confined to a small cell, who are now completely cut off from the outside world and their families?

Debunking 9 popular myths doing the rounds in Africa about the coronavirus
Some of the false claims about coronavirus may be harmless. But others can be potentially dangerous.

[COVID-19 UPDATE 25] Wits VC wishes students well as online learning begins
Video: Professor Adam Habib wishes students well as they begin their online learning journey.

COVID-19 Update 24: Data access: All four major mobile service providers on board
Students will get 30GB of data if registered on MTN, Vodacom, Cell C or Telkom.

COVID-19 Update 24: How to access your data

COVID-19 Update 23: Wits opens online on Monday, 20 April 2020
Wits will commence with emergency remote online teaching and learning from Monday, 20 April 2020.

The case for a citizens’ basic income grant in South Africa
With Covid-19 and the lockdown there is no room for denial of how large parts of South African society suffer.

Process to apply for mobile computing devices
This communique outlines the process through which students who require assistance with a loan device can apply.

Wits switches to remote online teaching and learning from 20 April 2020
Wits institutes an emergency remote teaching and learning programme as one measure to help minimise the time lost in the academic project.

South Africa needs to end the lockdown: here’s a blueprint for its replacement
Academics call on government to develop a comprehensive health and economic strategy if it is to prevent long term socio-economic damage caused by pandemic.

There is a dire need to boost SA’s stimulus package
Countries such as the US, Germany, India and Brazil have launched help for all sectors of their economies — South Africa needs to follow.

Tackling gender-based violence during lockdown
Women and children face even more alarming levels of abuse due to COVID-19 lockdown.

Wits COVID-19 dashboard goes continental
New features added as inter disciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration data on the pandemic grows.

Wits engineers make face shields to protect healthcare workers
A team of innovative Witsies is using their design and engineering skills to create face shields in aid of the fight against COVID-19.

SA needs to mitigate the worst of its inequalities in tackling COVID1-19
South Africa won't flatten the COVID-19 pandemic curve unless all citizens have the means to stay at home.

Personal versus public freedoms South Africa during COVID-19
In restricting individuals' movements and interactions during any national disaster, the conflict between public interest and personal autonomy will get messy.

Crowdsourcing: Scale of COVID-19 calls for new approaches to research
Crowdsourcing is a promising approach to biomedical research and development (R&D) and could produce solutions to pandemics like this one.

Covid-19 lockdown needs to protect inner-city communities
In South Africa, the collision of HIV, TB and Covid-19 could be devastating, and radical measures are needed to address the spread of Covid-19.

Message from Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Vice-Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Postgraduate Affairs.

Centre for Deaf studies breaks the silence on COVID-19
The Centre for Deaf Studies (CFDS) at Wits is contributing to society by keeping the Deaf community informed about the coronavirus pandemic.

The University’s wellness support services are here to help staff, students and the Wits community in dealing with the disruption of our normal lives.

COVID19 Testing Station opens at Wits
A new COVID-19 Testing Station at Wits, managed by Gift of the Givers, is open to patients who fit NICD criteria and are referred by a doctor.

Hay’khona Corona! Spreading the word, not the virus
A poster series to action South Africans on how to care of themselves and others.

Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic regarding the resumption of the academic programme.

Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic on the resumption of the academic programme.

How to support your children during Covid-19
Strategies for parents to engage with their children at home during Covid-19 lockdown.

Wits School of Molecular and Cell Biology lends a hand with glove donation
The Wits School of Molecular and Cell Biology has donated medical gloves for frontline healthcare workers at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto.

SAs response to COVID-19 worsens the plight of waste reclaimers
The clock is ticking: in the absence of government support, not being able to work means waste reclaimers don't have money to buy food.

'You can do more,' economists tell SA government
50+ economists and others from Wits are part of a group of more than 78 who wrote an open letter urging President Cyril Ramaphosa for more significant action.

What will happen to Africa after the coronavirus?
It would help if everybody comprehend that the world will not be the same after the dust settles on the pandemic.

Would a Longitude Prize speed production of a Covid-19 vaccine?
To stop economic destruction, we need to refocus vast resources from other productive activity – a truly grand prize might do the trick.

Bold programmes are needed to mitigate the economic crisis
The Covid-19 crisis is first and foremost a health and humanitarian crisis is likely to have lasting impacts on how we live.

Covid-19, #ClimateEmergency and Lockdown
The coronavirus is an opportunity to end the war with nature.It’s a moment to be humble and realise our finitude in a wondrous and infinite natural order.

Wits Covid-19 Update (18)
The role of essential staff during the national lockdown.

Wits COVID Update 17 (Students): Wits to reopen on 20 April
Prof. Habib speaks on living through the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Senior Executive Team’s (SET) decision to go into early recess and to evacuate residences.

Wits COVID Update 17: Staff Appreciation and Reopening
Prof. Adam Habib addresses staff on living through the COVID19 pandemic and expresses his appreciation to staff for their contribution during this period.

Wits heroes confront COVID-19
Amongst the best in their fields, Wits experts are at the frontlines and behind-the-scenes against COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus.

Official government regulations for #21DaysLockdownSA
Government has released the early directives following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address on Monday night.

Wits COVID-19 Update (15): Wits prepares to go online
Wits from the Senior Executive Team of Wits University.

Wits researchers launch most comprehensive COVID-19 dashboard in South Africa
The dashboard is aimed at informing government, scientists, the media and general public with quick, easy-to-understand information on the current situation.

Wits PhD student develops novel infection control solution
New self-sanitising surface coating will help to address infection control in hospitals, food processing plants and public transport surfaces.

Foreign migrants must be included in Covid-19 response
Why South Africa needs to actively engage all foreign migrants in its response to Covid-19.

Wits COVID-19 Update 13: Students urged to go home
Message from the Wits Dean of Student Affairs.

Who should test for COVID-19
Answers to common questions asked by the Wits community.

Wits announces early recess
Wits University will be in recess from Tuesday, 17 March 2020, four days earlier than scheduled.

Hypocrisy in the time of Covid-19
The sanctimony of moving from blaming foreign migrants to rendering them invisible in a critical public health moment will have implications for our response.

All contact teaching postponed for Monday, staff to continue with work
Wits announces measures to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Student tests positive for Covid-19 and Wits reaches out to affected class
Wits University has just been informed that the medical student who has been quarantined since last Wednesday has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19)

Wits acts to manage Covid-19 exposure
Wits acts swiftly to manage student who came in contact with COVID-19 carrier.

Coronavirus: how big, how bad, and what to look out for
Cases of illness from the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) disease, known as COVID-19, have been confirmed in more than 100 countries.