Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Advanced Pharmaceutical Science > Research-Led Education > Innovative Leaders > Clinical Pharmacy > Superior Patient Care > Entrepreneurial Spirit > Global Health and Wellness
Welcome to the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology’s website – within these pages you will find information on our cutting-edge research, the distinctive education we offer, and our outreach activities. The Department is home to a dynamic and innovative community of academic and support staff, postgraduates, undergraduates and postdoctoral fellows. As leaders of pharmacy education and research in South Africa, the key areas of pharmaceutical formulation and drug delivery technology, pharmaceutical entrepreneurship, management of drug therapy, counselling on the use of medication, monitoring drug therapy outcomes and pharmacology lie at the heart of our activities.
We are dedicated to providing high-quality research-led teaching and supervision with a strong clinical focus to ensure advanced patient care that can change the world we live in. We enjoy facilities that include lecturing, laboratory, e-Learning, simulation and direct clinical practice spaces. Our suite of degrees fosters vital skills and includes the undergraduate BPharm program and, at postgraduate level, a variety of Masters as well as the PhD by independent full-time research. We are also in the process of developing a suite of Short Courses that include Primary Care Drug Therapy (PCDT), Oncolytic Admixing in Oncology Pharmacy, Sterile Manufacturing, Endocannabinology and Cannabinoid Medicine, Medicines Supply Management, Pharmaceutical Business Development, Traditional Medicines as well as several courses in Regulatory and Industrial Pharmacy that will give you the Wits Edge to advance your career.
The Department is renowned for its long and proud tradition of innovative pharmaceutical research. Our campus life is underpinned by a vibrant high-performance research, learning and clinical environment involving students, staff and experts from across the University, at prestigious academic teaching hospitals, pharmaceutical industry, regulatory bodies and members of the local community. Our professionally directed outfits include the Wits Advanced Drug Delivery Platform (WADDP) Research Unit, a South African National Research Foundation (NRF) Chair in 'Pharmaceutical Biomaterials and Polymer-Engineered Drug Delivery Technologies', an African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation (ANDI) Center of Excellence, Laboratory for Pharmaceutical Microbiology Research, Oncolytic and Parenteral Admixing Training, Trinity Pharmacy, a Clinical Pharmacy team and several NRF-Rated Researchers. Our INVEST program provides students with an ideal dose for a growth mind-set to be well prepared in meeting the latest demands of the pharmacy profession. Our work-based learning program includes off-site teaching at a range of Primary Health Care clinics, tertiary hospitals, regulatory organizations, corporate and community pharmacies as well as pharmaceutical manufacturers and wholesalers which deepen our students' learning and training opportunities.

The distinctive education we offer here is founded on values enriched and enlivened by the diverse research expertise of our staff. The Department is a vibrant, stimulating and friendly place in which to study. Do take some time to find out more about our work and please contact us if you have further questions. A WITS Pharmacist is highly sougth-after in all sectors of the profession and is known to apply the knowledge and skills learnt in order to heal, serve and educate - A substantial contribution to the Primary Health Care and Global communities of which the WITS Pharmacist is an integral part...
Prof. Yahya E. Choonara - Chairman and Head of Department