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Do you have a flair for planning, organising and teamwork? Are you an effective communicator who is able to motivate others? Do you see yourself leading a Fortune 500 company or as South Africa’s next famous entrepreneur? If so, studying management may be ideal for you.

A top manager's skillset is broad, and includes creating and crafting an organisation’s policies, controlling, strategising, planning, leading and supervising, coordinating and monitoring. The important and complex areas of project management and strategic management also fall within this discipline, as do the theory and practice of entrepreneurship and new venture creation.

Would you make a good Manager?

You may want to consider studying management if you possess several of the following interests, qualities and attributes:

  • Excellent planning and organizational skills
  • Good interpersonal, relationship building and motivational abilities
  • Outstanding communication skills – both verbal and written
  • A natural affinity for leadership and assuming responsibility
  • An interest in business and entrepreneurship
  • Good analytical, strategic, forward thinking and troubleshooting abilities
  • A solid grounding in mathematics
High Level Curriculum

Principles of Management, offered at the second year level, provides students with an overview of the major function areas of management emphasis on planning, organising, controlling and communicating. The course also provides perspectives on alternative theories of management, the role of a manager, comparative and international management and management of change.

Entrepreneurship is also covered at second year level. This course is designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship and new venture creation while at the same time exposing students to the practicalities of setting up and running their own business.

Management in the final year of study takes a more in depth approach to understanding management theory through an accelerated analysis of different focal areas of the organisation. Four focal areas are covered: operational management, project management, strategic management and innovation management and intrapreneurship.

Building a strong major combination for Management

Management is a strong major combination with almost any discipline as most graduates eventually move into leadership positions in the course of their careers. FinanceEconomicsInformation SystemsMarketing, Insurance and Risk Management and Human Resource Management all pair well with a major in Management.
