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Guided flexibility

Guided flexibility - the Wits BCom education experience

Too often, students are expected to know what they want to do with their lives as they leave school. Degrees quickly narrow towards specific area-related studies, with little opportunity for change – a pity, because this is the ideal time for you to explore new things, and truly discover your calling. 

Wits recognises this premature “channelling”, which is why the Wits BCom allows you greater flexibility.

In first year, you are exposed to a variety of subjects in order to introduce you to the language of business. You are immersed in commerce enough to begin discovering your strengths and interests before deciding on your subsequent focus areas.

The Wits BCom structure offers the opportunity to study subjects both within and beyond the Faculty. This means you can complete your degree with 3rd year majors as diverse as maths, psychology and computer science in tandem with more conventional business majors like economics, finance, information systems or marketing.

A Wits BCom complements the security of a structured path to a viable industry valued qualification with courses that go beyond a narrow, singular discipline. It is rooted in adaptability, diversity and a flexibility that is guided. This produces graduates fluent in the common, recognisable commercial language spoken across boardrooms, trades and systems, in South Africa and around the world, regardless of their final qualification and career.

Future proofing: richness and immersion 

As we enter what has been called the 4th Industrial Revolution, our world is changing and reshaping itself, blurring boundaries between physical, digital and biological worlds, promising to impact all disciplines, economies and industries. 

This is a frightening prospect for many people, but this latest revolution promises exciting opportunities for those ready and prepared for a future in this new world.  “Future Proofing” our BCom students is therefore vital to Wits. Within the Wits BCom, we look to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to direct and shape change, and to manage and operate through uncertainty by teaching them how to learn and interrogate, deconstruct and reimagine the world.

At Wits, we acknowledge that we are preparing students for jobs that do not yet exist, in an exciting new world. Our answer is a rich, immersive education to fully prepare students to both succeed in the present and to shape the future.
