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SAJIC Issue 6, 2005

This sixth issue of The Southern African Journal of Information and Communication (SAJIC) includes items on universal access, broadband deployment, regulatory challenges of convergence, and educational informatics.


The Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries: An Investigation of Gender Specific Agricultural Development - Caroline Pade, Brenda Mallinson and John Lannon

Beware Dongas! An Assessment of the Road Ahead for Under-Serviced Area Licensing for Telecommunications Operators in South Africa - Fabian van Leijden and Ton Monasso

Geeks, Cowboys, and Bureaucrats: Deploying Broadband, the Wireless Way - François Bar and Hernan Galperin

Mobile Cellular Telephone: Fixed-line Substitution in Sub-Saharan Africa - Steve Esselaar and Christoph Stork

Convergence and Emerging Technologies: Issues Faced by the Regulator - Daniel G Muhuro and Ian G Kennedy

Creating Connections: Exploring the Intermediary Use of ICTs by Congolese Refugees at Tertiary Educational Institutions in Cape Town - Herman Wasserman and Patrice Kabeya-Mwepu


From Rural Village to Global Village: Telecommunications for Development in the Information Age, by Heather E Hudson, 2006 - Alfonso Gumucio Dagron

The Author Responds... to the Review by Alfonso Gumucio Dagron - Heather E Hudson

The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, by Jeffrey D Sachs, 2005 - Chanuka Wattegama

New Media: Technology and Policy in Developing Countries, edited by N C Lesame, 2005 - Lucky Madikiza
