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SAJIC Issue 5, 2004

This fifth issue of The Southern African Journal of Information and Communication (SAJIC) spans across ICT regulation, ICT for development, universal access, ICT rankings of African countries, and media policy and convergence.


ICTs for Development: What Prospects and Problems? - Robin Mansell

From Monopolies, Virtual Monopolies and Oligopolies to… What? Media Policy and Convergence in South Africa and the United Kingdom - Richard Collins

Changing ICT Rankings of African Nations - Tim Kelly

ICT Regulation and Policy at a Crossroads: A Case Study of the Licensing Process in Kenya - Monica Kerrets

Analysis of the Success of ICT at the Ikageng MPCC in support of the Itoseng Community: A Case Study - SJ Jacobs and Marlien Herselman

Universal Access Wheel: Towards Achieving Universal Access to ICT in Africa - Toks Oyedemi


Rotting from the Head: Donors and LDC Corruption, edited by Salim Rashid, 2004 - Amy Mahan
