Covid-19 | Coronavirus
To arrange to connect with a Wits Covid-19 expert, please contact:
- Professor of Epidemiology in the Wits School of Public Health
- Head of the Centre for Respiratory Disease and Meningitis at the NICD
- Key areas: Medical doctor, epidemiologist, respiratory diseases, national surveillance, case-finding, diagnosis, management and public health response.
- Professor and Head of Department of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases and the National Health Laboratory Services and Wits
- Key areas: Infection, infectious diseases, cell biology, infectious disease medicine, pathology, infectious disease epidemiology, infection control, antibiotics, tropical medicine, antimicrobials, ‘super bugs’.
- Lecturer in the Wits School of Public Health
- Pathologist at the NICD
- Key areas: Clinical microbiology, Outbreak Response Unit, Notifiable Medical Conditions and GERMS-SA surveillance.
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation
- Research Professor in the Wits School of Pathology
- Key areas: Microbiology, virology, antibody response to HIV
- Professor of Vaccinology, Director of the MRC Respiratory and Meningeal Pathogens Research Unit (RMPRU) at Wits and DST/NRF SARChI Chair in Vaccine Preventable Diseases
- Immediate past Director of the NICD
- Former President of the World Society of Infectious Diseases
- Key areas: Paediatrics, epidemiology and clinical development of vaccines against pneumonia and diarrhoeal disease, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, rotavirus vaccine, and influenza vaccination of pregnant women, vaccinology, pneumonia.
- Personal Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Executive Director of the Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute (Wits RHI)
- SA Research Lead on Solidarity clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment regimen; Chair of WHO African Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group; Co-chair WHO Ebola Vaccine Working Group
- Key areas: HIV prevention, HIV, public health, reproductive health, AIDS, Ebola
- Professor and Director of Ezintsha and Deputy Executive Director of Wits RHI
- Key areas: HIV, AIDS, bacterial infections, HIV programme implementation, antiretroviral therapy, opportunistic infection prophylaxis, public sector access to HIV services, medical ethics and human rights, HIV resistance.
- Professor and Academic Head of Emergency Medicine in the School of Clinical Medicine and at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital
- Key areas: COVID-19 preparedness at CMJAH, life support, HIV post-exposure prophylaxis, defibrillators, emergency medicine, humanitarian medical response to emergencies, disaster medical response.
- Professor and Director of the SAMRC/Wits Centre for Health Economics and Decision Science (PRICELESS SA)
- Key areas: Social determinants of health, health systems, health economics, paediatrics, health planning
- Distinguished Professor of Medical Anthropology and Public Health in the Wits School of Public Health
- Key areas: Medical anthropology, anthropology, social history and public health, world renowned A-rated academic in training and research in inequality, social exclusion and marginality, the social determinants of infectious and chronic disease, gender and sexuality, immigration and ethnicity, in Australian, Asian and African settings.
- Associate Professor and Director of the African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) at Wits and Director of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence on Migration & Mobility
- Coordinator of the Migration and Health Project Southern Africa (maHp)
- Key areas: Public health, infectious diseases, social justice and the development of pro-poor policy responses, international/regional/national/local responses to migration, health, and urban vulnerabilities, urban health, public health, migration and health, the social determinants of health, HIV, informal settlements, sex work.
- Professor of Economics and Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management
- Chair of the National Minimum Wage Advisory Panel
- Head of the Southern Centre for Inequality Studies at Wits
- Commissioner on the Employment Conditions Commission
- Key areas: Employment, the informal economy, gender, and industrialisation
- Adjunct Professor in the School of Governance and Chair in Social Security Systems
- Administration and Management Studies
- Key areas: Health economics and finance, public finance and social security, healthcare management, healthcare quality, healthcare delivery, cost and economic analysis, health equity, health inequality and disparities, and preventive medicine
- PhD candidate in the School of Mechanical Engineering
- Key areas: Antimicrobial surface coatings via cold spray and 3D printing technologies, biomedical engineering, antimicrobial coating technology
- Personal Professor of Physics and High Energy Physics Group at Wits
- Project lead on COVID-19 Dashboard
- Key areas: Modelling, Big Data, Higgs boson physics, physics beyond the standard model, high throughput electronics, grid computing.
- Adjunct Professor in Biomedical Engineering in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering
- Leads the Biomedical Engineering Research Group
- Key areas: Modeling and simulation in medicine, the role of quantitative sciences in medical education, researching novel approaches in the treatment of cancer, modelling intermittent quarantines for standard viral epidemic models