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Divisional Academic programme

Undergraduate : GEMP 2, 3 & 4’s

Postgraduate: Training of Paediatric registrars: tutorials,  rotation through neurodevelopment , FCPaeds preparation

Msc (Med) Child Health Neurodevelopment and Diploma Child Health Neurodevelopment

The Msc (Med) and Diploma Child Health Neurodevelopment is a unique multidisciplinary program that provides professionals working in the field of child development an understanding and proficiency in the field of child development and behavior paediatrics, as well as research.

The 2-year part time masters consists of course work and a research report. The diploma option involves the same course work with no research report required. Subjects included in the curriculum are Research methodology, general Neuro anatomy, Neuro physiology, Developmental problems in childhood, Paediatric Neurology, Psychological medicine, Behavioural problems in childhood and Epidemiology.

The Msc Neurodevelopment  aims to equip, educate and advocate for the multidisciplinary management of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The degree also serves to create a network of professionals who are passionately involved in the field of Neurodevelopment. To date there is no other Msc Neurodevelopment course being offered at any of the other South African or Southern African Universities

For more information on the course please contact Jacqui Bezuidenhout: or

Or click on the link below (to active link!)

Msc (Med) in the field of Child Life and Paediatric Psychosocial Care

Child Life Specialists are viewed as members of the interprofessional paediatric team in children’s hospitals in North America and many other developed countries and play a vital role in addressing psychosocial issues affecting hospitalized children and their families. The vision for this course is to provide the first Child Life training programme in Africa which will equip health care professionals to become accredited child life practitioners

Candidates will gain in-depth knowledge of child development, from prematurity to adolescence. Particular attention will be paid to how adversity may impact on the development and well-being of the child within the individual context of their family. Ethical considerations around providing healthcare to children in crisis will be explored and the importance of optimal pain management will be covered. Participants will focus on psychosocial and Child Life concepts in relation to the challenges children and their families may face when accessing health care and in other times of adversity.

The following courses will be covered over a two-year period: Research methodology; Child development and Play; Ethics; Family systems, loss and death; and Child Life specialty. A research report is a requirement for completion of the degree.

If you would like more information about this programme please contact:

Prof Joanne Potterton:
Dr Jacqui Bezuidenhout:
Janine vander Linde:


