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Master of Medicine in Emergency Medicine (MMED)

The specialist MMED Emergency Medicine degree programme was started in July 2005 with the first specialist graduating in July 2009. The Division has grown from 4 registrars in 2005 to 25 registrars to date.

The programme caters to both local graduates as well as supernumerary registrars from Barbados to Libya.

The curriculum consists of a 4 year course where registrars rotate through the various hospitals in selected disciplines in order to gain the theoretical and practical knowledge, ability and interpersonal skills for independent Emergency Medicine specialist practice. 

The current rotation is as follows:

1st Year
2nd Year

3rd Year

4th year
Emergency Department 3/12 Emergency Department 5/12 Emergency Department 3/12 Emergency Department 1 year
Emergency Department (Psychiatry) 3/12 Anaesthesia 3/12 Trauma 3/12    
Trauma 3/12 Obstetrics 1/12 ICU 3/12    
Orthopaedics 1/12 Paediatrics 3/12 CCU 1/12    
Radiology 1/12     EMS 2/12    
ENT 2/52            
Ophthalmology 2/52            

Registrars selected onto the programme are required to complete the College of Emergency Medicine Primary Examinations (FCEM Part I) on/before 18 months of their registrar time has lapsed. They are to complete their MMED research report prior to writing the Fellowship of the College of Emergency Medicine (FCEM Part II) exam with the College of Emergency Medicine. No prior medical officer time in Emergency Medicine may be counted towards registrar time on the University of the Witwatersrand circuit. The programme is 4 years irrespective of prior experience.

Minimum requirements for application:

  • MBBCh or equivalent
  • Registration with the HPCSA as an independent practitioner
  • Minimum of 6 months post-Community Service experience in an Emergency Department
  • DIPPEC an advantage – College of Emergency Medicine Part 1 preferred
  • ATLS/ACLS/PALS or equivalent advised
Non-funded International Registrars

Registrars selected onto the programme are required to complete the College of Emergency Medicine of South Africa: Basic Sciences Primary Examinations (FCEM Part I).

Please see The College of Emergency Medicine: CEM (CMSA) Webiste for further information regarding the FCEM(SA): Part I examination.It is also mandatory to complete an approved MMed research report prior to writing the final Fellow of the College of Emergency Medicine of South Africa (FCEM Part II) examination.It must be noted that no prior clinical time in Emergency Medicine in any units or hospitals will be counted towards official registrar time on this circuit and acknowledgement of this is a requirement for acceptance, making the academic programme a strictly 5 year minimum programme. It is also at the discretion of the Head of Department what the 5th year rotation shall consist of academically. 

  • The Division of Emergency Medicine (DEM) will host a maximum ratio of 1:2 non-funded:funded registrars at any one time i.e. limited to 50% of the number of funded registrar posts.
  • Preference will be given to doctors who are from SADC countries.
  • The applicants need to submit the following information to the DEM Executive Committee (Exco) for consideration:
    • Comprehensive curriculum vitae
    • Photo page of current passport
    • Certified copies of all medical qualifications, with approved official English translation, if necessary
    • Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for post-graduate study (foreign regulation)
    • Evidence of professional English language capability if the initial medical degree was not undertaken in English
    • Candidate must be financially sufficient to be able to support their time in South Africa from external funding. Candidates will have a student visa which precludes any form of commercial remuneration in South Africa. Proof of this is required.
  • The candidate must have a minimum of 18 months post internship experience including at least 6 months of experience in Emergency Medicine.
  • Successful completion of the Diploma in Primary Emergency Care of the College of Emergency Medicine of South Africa (Dip PEC) is advantageous. Applicants who have already passed the Basic Sciences Primary Examinations (FCEM Part I) will have a great advantage in selection.
  • Successful completion of the ATLS/ACLS/PALS or equivalent courses are strongly advised.
  • The applicants will be short-listed based on the criteria in points 2-6 and the resultant candidates will then be interviewed.

All international postgraduate students that are accepted onto the Emergency Medicine registrar programme after the interview will be required to undertake a 6 month initial probation period as a medical officer within the teaching circuit hospital Emergency Departments. They will then be assessed as to whether they will continue on the Emergency Medicine registrar programme. Where appropriate, this probation period will contribute to the total registrar training time for successful candidates.

Any interruptions in registrar training time related to registrars not applying for the relevant study permits and visas timeously will result in the equivalent extension of registrar time in order to make up the time lost. The onus rests on the registrar to ensure that study visas are current.

Master of Science in Emergency Medicine (MSc)

The overall aim of the MSc in Emergency Medicine is to offer post-graduate academic in-depth investigation, exploration and research into the wide field of out-of-hospital and in-hospital Emergency Medicine.  Critical analysis, comprehensive review and competitive debate undertaken by the various pre-hospital, nursing, medical and allied professionals make this course exciting, exhilarating, enlightening and of course entertaining. It is envisaged that the successful candidates will emerge more competent, confident, compassionate, caring and considerate towards the acutely ill and injured patient that presents themselves wherever that may arise. 

The degree is taken by course work and a research report and is offered over a minimum period of 2 years academic study. Note that 5 years is the maximum time allowed to complete both the exams and the research report.

This degree does not fulfil any of the requirements of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) for Emergency Medicine specialist registration. 

Minimum requirements for application:

Any of the following may be admitted as a candidate:

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBCh or equivalent)
    Bachelor of Nursing
    Bachelor of Science with Honours
    Or any other bachelors degree as per regulation M162 OR
  • A graduate who has been awarded any other bachelors degrees, the normal curriculum of which extends over not less than four years full time study, of the University, who, in the opinion of the Senate, is sufficiently qualified to undertake the field of study proposed or research (or both), required for the degree, OR
  • Any other person who has satisfied the Senate, by means of a written or oral test (or both), or by any other mode of assessment to be determined from time to time by the Senate, that s/he is sufficiently qualified to undertake the line of study proposed or research (or both),  required for the award.

Although the above are the official entry requirements of the University, allowances and exceptions for entry to the MScMed (Emergency Medicine) may be granted to candidates based on their Emergency Medicine experience, contribution to the field, maturity and on recommendation of leaders in the field nationally and internationally. The Division of Emergency Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences recognises its national responsibility in the development of Emergency Medicine in South Africa and hence the great need to develop leaders, mentors and researchers, whilst maintaining a level of Emergency Medicine education of the highest standards.
