WitsQ is an open initiative and welcomes all interested parties from Wits to join. It is directed by Prof. Andrew Forbes (School of Physics) and has as its membership the people listed below. If you would like to join, please contact Dr Taariq Surtee Taariq.Surtee@wits.ac.za
- Prof. Andrew Forbes (Faculty of Science)
- Dr Robin Drennan (Director Research Office)
- Dr Taariq Surtee (Head: eResearch Office)
- Prof. Ken Nixon (Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment)
- Ms Julie Courtnage (Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management)
- Prof. David Coldwell (Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management)
- Dr Vesna Karic (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Prof. David Moore (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Prof. Mboyo di Tamba Vangu (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Dr Victor De Andrade (Faculty of Humanities)
- Prof. Amanda Esterhuysen (Faculty of Science)
- Hlanganani Tutu (Faculty of Science)
- Prof. Musa Manzi (Faculty of Science)
- Prof. Robert de Mello Kock (Faculty of Science)
- Prof. Vishnu Jejjala (Physics)
- Prof. Kevin Goldstein (Physics)
- Prof. Alex Quandt (Physics)
- Dr Hilary Masenda (Physics)
- Prof. Mervin Naidoo (Physics)
- Dr Sonwabile Ngcezu (Physics)
- Prof. Abhishek Pandey (Physics)
- Dr Isaac Nape (Physics)
Contact: Dr Taariq Surtee
Head: eResearch
Research Office
Phone: +27 11 7179968