Is Inequality Causing Pandemics and, If So, How?
SCIS invites you to a seminar by Dr Matthew Kavanagh titled Is Inequality Causing Pandemics and, If So, How? on 4 July (15:00 - 16:30)
About the seminar:
We are living through multi-pandemic era with rising inequality. Outbreaks from COVID-19 to MPox quickly spread around the world, HIV remains a pandemic we seem not to be able to shake. This comes at a time of mounting inequality within countries and very specific forms of geopolitical inequality between countries. Are these two realities linked? Exploring the economic, social, and political drivers of pandemics, this talk lays out what we know, what we're struggling to know, and the urgency of an inequality-busting rather than inequality-reinforcing approach to pandemic preparedness.
About the speaker:
Matthew Kavanagh, PhD, is the Director of the UNAIDS-Georgetown University Collaborating Centre on HIV Policy and Inequality and special advisor to the Executive Director of UNAIDS. A political scientist by training, he also leads the HIV Policy Lab working to empirically understand and politically shift the policy environment for tackling pandemics.