When: | Tuesday, 02 April 2024 - Tuesday, 02 April 2024 |
Where: | Hybrid Event Marie Curie Lecture Theatre Health Sciences Campus 7 York Road, Parktown |
Start time: | 17:30 |
Enquiries: | |
RSVP: | |
Cost: | No Cost |
The Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics invites you to the annual Ethics Alive Symposium
Speaker Bios:
Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem is an Al ethics adviser. philosopher of science and technology. logician. and machine ethics researcher. She is Head of Philosophy, University of Pretoria, a member of the UN Secretary General's High Level Advisory Bod on Al. and Chair of UNESCO's World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledae and Technology (COMEST). She is associate editor of the Journal for Science and Engineering Ethics, and full member of the prestigious International Academy for the Philosophy of Science (AIPS). She serves on various Al ethics and governance advisory boards internationally, including the expert advisory group of the Global Commission on Responsible Al in the Military Domain and the Global Academic Network, and the Centre for Al and Digital Policy, Washington DC
Keymanthri Moodley is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Medicine and Head of the Division of Medical Ethics and Law at Stellenbosch University. The Division is a WHO Collaborating Centre in Bioethics. one of twelve in the world and the first on the African continent. Kevmanthri is also an Adiunct Professor at the Universit of North Carolina. USA. She is a specialist familv phsician. bioethicist. an NRF rated researcher and a member of ASSAf. She has been Principal Investigator on 5 NIH grants and has over 120 publications. Her most recent NIH funded research project explores ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) in big data and Artificial Intelligence in the African context. She is a member of the WHO Ethics and Al Expert Group.