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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TERMINALFOUR//SITEMANAGER V7.3//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211124T130000 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:Effective education involves the integration and alignment of three core systems, namely, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. In this context, ensuring alignment between course outcomes, content and assessment is important for curricular coherence, and contributes to the validity of assessments. Consequently, there is a need for academics to appreciate the role of assessment in student’s learning and to be able to design quality assessments for particular contexts. In addition to the need for understanding and skill in assessment practices, more generally, there is a growing need to understand and know how to develop different types of assessment in the online space. This workshop focuses on digital assessment in the field of Higher Education with special emphasis on assessment tools in ulwazi and other available platforms.
Date: 24 November
Time: 13:00 —15:00
Venue: Click here to join the meeting
Click here to download the CLTD prospectus for more events X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Effective education involves the integration and alignment of three core systems, namely, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. In this context, ensuring alignment between course outcomes, content and assessment is important for curricular coherence, and contributes to the validity of assessments. Consequently, there is a need for academics to appreciate the role of assessment in student’s learning and to be able to design quality assessments for particular contexts. In addition to the need for understanding and skill in assessment practices, more generally, there is a growing need to understand and know how to develop different types of assessment in the online space. This workshop focuses on digital assessment in the field of Higher Education with special emphasis on assessment tools in ulwazi and other available platforms.

Date: 24 November

Time: 13:00 —15:00

Venue: Click here to join the meeting

Click here to download the CLTD prospectus for more events