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Quality health care in South Africa: ethics, responsibility, accountability

When: Thursday, 14 March 2019 - Thursday, 14 March 2019
Where: Braamfontein Campus West
Public Health Auditorium, School of Public Health Building
Start time:18:00


The Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics in the Faculty of Health Sciences hosts the 2019 Ethics Alive Imbizo.

Laetitia Rispel, DST/ NRF Chair and Professor of Public Health, Centre for Health Policy, Wits School of Public Health will deliver the keynote address. Mark Heywood, Executive Director of Section 27 will be the respondent. Panellists include:

  • Siyanda Giba – Chairperson, Wits Students’ Bioethics Society
  • Russel Rensburg – Programme Manager, Rural Health Advocacy Project
  • Dr Rajesh Patel –Head of Benefit and Risk, Board of Healthcare Funders
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