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Articulation and a theorisation of educational change: Reflections on Harold Wolpe’s work on SA

When: Wednesday, 06 March 2019 - Wednesday, 06 March 2019
Where: Parktown Education Campus
Tommy Motswai seminar room, 1st floor, Thembalethu Building
Start time:13:00
Enquiries: / 011 7173076

RSVP: / 011 7173076

The Centre for Researching Education and Labour (REAL) hosts this public seminar, which Prof, Elaine Unterhalter from University College London will present.

The seminar will address key elements in how Harold Wolpe understood educational change, some reasons for the emphases he developed, and what insight these perceptions offer for looking at the broad area of scholarships in education and international development, as well as the subfield of work on gender and education.

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