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Preserving dignity in later life

When: Wednesday, 11 April 2018 - Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Where: Parktown Health Sciences Campus
Marie Curie Lecture Theatre, Medical School
Start time:13:00
Enquiries:  or (011) 717-2190

RSVP:  or (011) 717-2190

The Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics will host this lecture by Dr Nancy Jecker.

The value of respect for individual autonomy occupies a privileged place in the United States and many other Western nations. Yet autonomy’s significance may be waning as populations around the globe become increasingly geriatric, dependent and vulnerable to cognitive and physical impairments. A more central value in later life is respect for dignity. This presentation discusses how to preserve dignity in old age in the face of threats including social isolation, functional decline and overly aggressive and futile medical treatment.


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