The future of medical scheme coverage at Wits: The nexus of narrow interests and wider policy
When: | Wednesday, 05 April 2017 - Wednesday, 05 April 2017 |
Where: | Parktown Management Campus Research Hub Mwalimu House, Classroom G |
Start time: | 12:30 |
Enquiries: |
Wits School of Governance will host a conversation with Professor Alex van den Heever.
He will present on the state of the South African medical schemes system and national health policy and their relevance for Wits in making choices about how best to protect those working, and formerly working, for Wits and their dependents.
Over the past two decades the private health system has changed considerably – with conflicts of interest heavily influencing the kind and quality of coverage many income-earning families have access to, and the affordability thereof.
Not well understood are the influences government’s present deregulation agenda together with failures to properly regulate the industry will have on the quality of private health protection offered in future and especially the impending risks faced by anyone forced to depend on open commercial medical schemes for their coverage.
This talk will therefore attempt to relate the macro perspectives to the local choices that should be considered by Wits into the future.