Centre for Urbanism & Built Environment Studies

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Journal articles

  • Bénit-Gbaffou C., Williams G., (2022) Producing doctoral planning knowledge: How professional PhD Candidates bridge research-practice Divides. Urban Forum, pre-publication online - open access
  • Izar, P. (2022). Meanings of self-building: Incrementality, emplacement, and erasure in Dar es Salaam’s traditional Swahili neighborhoods. Urban Planning, 7(1), 305-320.
  • Meth, P., Goodfellow, T., Todes, A. and Charlton, S. (2021) Conceptualising African urban peripheries. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 45 (6), 985-1007.
  • Todes, A. and Houghton, J. (2021) Economies and employment in growing and declining urban peripheries in South Africa, Local Economy, 36(5) 391–410.
  • Huchzermeyer, M. (2021). A critical Lefebvrian perspective on planning in relation to informal settlements in South Africa. Town and Regional Planning, 79, 44-554 - open access
  • Huchzermeyer, M., Harrison, P., Charlton, S., Klug, N., Rubin, M. and Todes, A (2019). Urban land reform in South Africa: Pointers for urban policy and planning. Town and Regional Planning, 75, 92-104 - open access
  • Charlton, S. (2019). Down by the river: park dwellers, public space and the politics of invisibility in Johannesburg's northern suburbs. Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 101(1), 127-150.
  • Charlton, S. (2018) Confounded but complacent: accounting for how the state sees responses to its housing intervention in Johannesburg. Journal of Development Studies, 54 (12), 2168-2186.
  • Charlton, S. (2018) Spanning the spectrum: infrastructural experiences in South Africa’s state housing programme.  International Development Planning Review 40 (2), 97-120. 
  • Bénit-Gbaffou, C. (2018) Governing street trading in contemporary cities. Anatomy of the policy instruments used by the City of Johannesburg in the post-apartheid era. Urban Practice and Research, 11(4), 396-425.
  • Bénit-Gbaffou, C. (2018), Understanding states practices in city-making, in conversations with Ananya Roy. Special issue in Journal of Development Studies: ‘Informal Practices of the State in the Governance of Cities. A view from Southern Africa’, 54(12), 2139-2148.
  • Bénit-Gbaffou, C. (2018) Beyond the policy-implementation gap: How the City of Johannesburg manufactured the ungovernability of street trading. Journal of Development Studies, 54(12), 2149-2167.
  • Bénit-Gbaffou, C. (2018) Why is co-management of parks not working in Johannesburg? The difficult reframing of state mandates and practices in the post-apartheid era. International Development Policy, 10, 101-136. 
  • Charlton, S. (2017) Poverty, subsidized housing and Lufhereng as a prototype megaproject in Gauteng. Transformation Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 95 (1), 85-110.
  • Meth, P., & Charlton, S. (2017) Men’s experiences of state sponsored housing in South Africa: emerging issues and key questions. Housing Studies, 32(4), 470-490.
  • Charlton, S., & Meth, P. (2017) Lived experiences of state housing in Johannesburg and Durban. Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 93(1), 91-115.
  • Huchzermeyer, M. and Misselwitz, P. (2016). Coproducing inclusive cities? Addressing knowledge gaps and conflicting rationalities between self-provisioned housing and state-led housing programmes. COSUST – Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 20, 73-79.
  • Mayson, S. and Charlton, S. (2015) Accommodation and tenuous livelihoods in Johannesburg’s inner city: the ‘rooms’ and ‘spaces’ typologies. Urban Forum, 26, 343–372. 