Philip Wilson and Alice Leal, Online Symposium September 2021
About our reading sessions
Following the success of the first online symposium “Philosophy in/on translation”, which took place in September 2021, we launched a research group for the community involved in the event. In addition to an edited volume including some of the papers given at the symposium and future events, we also plan periodic reading sessions, hosted by guests who will suggest a text for everyone to read and later discuss online. We intend to make these discussions as multilingual as possible.
Our reading sessions take place every 2-3 months and have different set-ups. We may work with a seminal paper, a working paper or an already published work by one of our members or by a guest. After a few introductory remark, the host opens the session with a quick presentation of the work in the question. This is followed by a discussion in small groups in multilingual breakout rooms. All languages mentioned by at least four members upon registration have their own room(s), as follows:
- Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian
- Chinese
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
Back in the main room, the groups report about their discussion and we have a general debate in English (welcoming, nevertheless, multilingual contributions as well).