Centre for Researching Education and Labour PhD Panel
When: | getMessage().'-->'; ?> Wednesday, 23 June 2021 - Wednesday, 23 June 2021 |
Where: | Online Event |
Start time: | 16:00 |
Enquiries: | |
RSVP: | Link will be sent after registration |
The Centre for Researching Education and Labour invites you to this seminar series event
Please join us on 23 June 2021 between 16:00 -17:30, at our PhD Panel: Lerato Posholi; Nicola Jenkin; Dandira Mushungai; Maloes de Munnik
The REAL seminar series showcases leading research related to our four key areas of interest:
- skills and skills ecosystems for a just transition in a time of increasing inequality;
- development, skills formation systems, and the changing world of work;
- occupations, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and the world of work;
- post-school institutions and the provision of vocational education and training.