Monday, 03 September 2018 - Sunday, 09 September 2018
'Tap your Afro Source Code' will explore how local culture can move and change the future of technology, and unpack the source code of our African identity.
Event Time: 9:00 AM
Juta Law will host the launch of the book, Public Interest Litigation in South Africa by contributing editor, Jason Brickhill.
Event Time: 6:00 PM
Global Change Institute will host a lunch time talk with Professor Francois Engelbrecht.
Event Time: 1:30 PM
Last round robin game for the 2018 Varsity Football event. Wits play TUT at home.
Event Time: 6:30 PM
The Department of Speech-Language Pathology will host a research day for staff and postgraduate students to showcase their research interests.
Event Time: 8:30 AM