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Fellowship programme

The curriculum is available on the CMSA website. The Fellow will rotate through all three hospitals during the training program. The fellows are exposed to the full spectrum of Paediatric nephrology conditions.  They will acquire specialised skills of urine microscopy, percutaneous kidney biopsy, infusional pharmacotherapy, acute and chronic peritoneal and haemodialysis, placement of vascular access for haemodialysis, placement of bedside temporary peritoneal catheters, uroflow bladder studies, and point of care ultrasound. The Fellow will gain competence in the work-up and management of patients with kidney transplantation. There are monthly interdisciplinary meetings with Pathology, Radiology, Nuclear medicine, Fetal Medicine Unit, and Paediatric surgery. The units have support of other Paediatric subspecialities.

The CMSA exit examination is possible after 18 months of training and upon completion of a research project, at the recommendation of the supervisor. The fellow will have ample exposure to clinical conditions and research opportunities to complete the requirements for successful completion of the Certificate in Paediatric Nephrology at the College of Medicine of South Africa.

Applicants can send applications to the Head of the Units.

