'How to' videos produced by postgraduate students focused on promoting science to the youth through interactive activities and performing experimental demonstrations. They form part of the "WHIZZBANG TEAM" at the School of Chemistry: Copyright: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Introduction to Glassware and ApparatusThis short tutorial video introduces you to the two types of glassware, i.e. “To contain” and “To deliver” glassware, as well as the general apparatus that will be used during your first-year chemistry laboratory experiments.
Mass balance and Significant FiguresThis tutorial covers two crucial aspects: the first being a step by step guide on how to weigh a sample correctly to obtain accurate and precise readings. The second aspect is the concept of significant figures, which plays a crucial role in any calculations; from your laboratory practical work all the way to the calculations done in your course work.
How to use a Bunsen BurnerHow to correctly and safely light a Bunsen Burner in the laboratory. This is a crucial laboratory skill that is needed to heat any substance when a Bunsen Burner is available.
How to Clean Analytical GlasswareMethods for cleaning both a burette and pipette. These pieces of glassware play crucial roles in titration experiments and need to be clean to allow one to obtain accurate and precise results. This video is Part 1 of 5 that describes the method on how to prepare and perform titration experiments.
How to use a PipetteThe correct way one would use a pipette during laboratory experiments. This video follows the video titled “How to clean Analytical Glassware”. This video is Part 2 of 5 that describes the method on how to prepare and perform titration experiments.
How to Prepare a Burette for a TitrationThe correct way one prepares a burette, with the intention to perform a titration laboratory experiment. This video follows the video titled “How to clean Analytical Glassware”.
How to Read the Volume off a BuretteThe correct way to read the volume off a burette using the graduation lines that appear on a burette. This video follows the video titled “How to Prepare a Burette for a Titration”, and is part 4 of 5 that describes the method on how to prepare and perform titration experiments.
What is a Titration and how is it performed?Here we describe the correct method one would use to perform a titration. This includes the methods used to remove bubbles from the burette up to the correct technique needed to perform a titration. This video follows the video titled “How to Prepare a Burette for a Titration”.