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ICT 2000 Conference Papers

The conference proceedings are available in PDF format. You will need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.

1. ICT2000OpenLectures.pdf

  • Gillian Marcelle: Creating the Learning African Telco
  • Prof. William Melody: Preparing for the Next Generation Internet (NGI): Creating Opportunities from the Lessons of Global Experience

2. ICT2000Session1.pdf

  • Roberto Verzola - Filipino Green Party
  • Kate Wild - International Development Research Centre
  • Meddie Mayanja - Unesco Nakaseke Multi-purpose community Telecentre
  • Mike Jensen
  • Open discussion

3. ICT2000Session2.pdf

  • Aki Stavrou - DRA Development
  • Esme Modisane - Mamelodi Community Information Centre
  • Anriette Esterhuysen - Association for Progressive Communications
  • Katharina Pillay - Universal Service Agency
  • Stephen Mncube - Development Bank of SA and National IT Forum
  • Open discussion

4. ICT2000Session3.pdf

  • William Currie - ICASA
  • Karabo Motlana- Telkom regulatory affairs
  • Anton Harber - National Association of Broadcasters
  • Bill Melody - Delft University

5. ICT2000Session4.pdf

  • Fanie Viljoen - Vodacom
  • Neël Smuts - ICASA (former chairperson of the South African Digital Broadcasting Association)
  • Alf Karrim - Orbicom
  • Hu Hanrahan -Wits University
  • Open discussion

6. ICT2000Session5.pdf

  • Charley Lewis - Cosatu IT Unit
  • Mike Lamb - Commerce Centre of Southern Africa
  • Tana Pistorius - Associate Professor, Department of Mercantile Law, Unisa
  • Marelie Davel - CSIR, Icomtek, Technology Analyst
  • Bob Day - CSIR
  • Open discussion

7. ICT2000Session6.pdf

  • Meryem Marzouki - French National Public Research Centre
  • Dr Nana Makaula - CEO Film and Publications Board
  • Myron Zlotnick - Internet Service Providers Association
  • Gus Hosein - Privacy International
  • Open discussion

8. ICT2000Session7.pdf

  • Mandla Langa - ICASA chairperson
  • Nicola Galombik - SABC Education
  • Seipati Hopa - Independent Producer's Organisation
  • Nkopane Maphiri - National Community Radio Forum
  • Steven Sack - Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology

9. ICT2000Session8.pdf

  • Michael Schur - Department of Finance
  • Tebo Matsoso - Motswedi Technologies
  • Simon White - Black IT Forum
  • Pam Sykes - Business Map
  • Alan Hirsch - Department of Trade and Industry

10. ICT2000Profiles.pdf

11. Papers presented during panel discussions:

12. ListOfDelegates.pdf
