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On Campus Residence Accommodation

We have reserved 100 beds in west campus residences for the conference. These residences are located very close to the conference venue, on the main campus. This is ideal for students who are unfamiliar with Johannesburg or who are not able to travel on and off campus during the conference. All residence enquiries, bookings and payment must be made through the conference organizers and NOT residence office. Booking and payment for residence accommodation will accompany registration.

  • Cost: R316.25 per person per night
  • Check-in: Monday 8 July during lunch break
  • Check-out: Thursday 11 July before 10am
  • Total cost = R948.75 per person

NB: this does not include meals. There are a number of places on campus that serve food – each attendee is to organise their own breakfasts and dinners.

Off Campus Accommodation

The University of the Witwatersrand main campus is located a five minute drive away from the suburb of Melville, where a wide range of accommodation establishments are located. These target a wide range of budgets. A few of these are listed below. Please note that the University has no relationship with these establishments and cannot comment on their quality or service. Bookings and payment must be arranged directly with the accommodation establishment.
