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uBunzima Bendoda

When: Monday, 28 January 2019 - Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Where: Braamfontein Campus East
Downstairs Theatre
Start time:12:30

Box Office: 0117171381 / 0117171372

Cost: R15 per ticket

This play exposes and interrogates these multiple truths exploring notions of man.

In a country filled with myths, assumption, cultural rules, and religious rules and societies views on what defines a man - how one becomes a man through how he behaves, looks, speaks and how successful he is. This play exposes and interrogates these multiple truths exploring notions of man having their own identity, own body, own spirt and having the right to define their own manhood. The play follows the journey through the right of passage of young man born in the current South Africa from boyhood to manhood.  This metamorphosis comes with a great deal of social expectations. Throughout the play we are exposed to different kinds of man in different social, political and economic standards – the audience is faced with an array of questions. Each man on their journey, each asking questions and each on the path of self-discovery begin to find answers. These answers forming the broad brush strokes of the bigger picture reflecting our post-modern, post-apartheid, South African society. In the midst of everything, the journey points out that it is up to each individual, each man to define manhood for themselves.

Two Shows:

  • 28 January at 12:30
  • 30 January at 11:00


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