Accelewrite: Sustainable Accelerated Thesis Writing
A 30-day graduate writing programme
A 30-day graduate writing programme in which you will begin and complete a chapter of your thesis under close supervision. The course is based on the well-established principle of writing a page a day, under supervision, supported by interactive classes on planning, structuring, editing, revising and referencing your work. You will also receive regular feedback, including one-to-one consultation and guidance on questions of grammar, style and argument arising from your work. The group will meet for 90 minutes every day: this will include
- writing a page a day
- weekly one-on-one feedback
- instruction in language, style and structure
- regular training in reading and assimilating research articles
- revision and editing
- You will need to be able to make a commitment to the daily meeting.
- You should have submitted your proposal to the faculty.
- You will need to supply an annotated reference list of all the books and articles you have already consulted, as well as a one-page report on the last three books you have read for pleasure. To apply to be selected, please send the above info with your student details to Professor Houliston.
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Doing Discourse and Critical Discourse Analysis
Doing Discourse and Critical Discourse Analysis
Presented by Prof. Hilary Janks
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Ethics in research and applying for ethics clearance: non-medical
A workshop relevant to Honours, Masters and PhD students dealing with human subjects in their research project
This workshop has two components. PART 1 (2 hours) comprises formal training on research ethics, with a particular emphasis on social science research. This training is content-based. There is a formal written assignment following this workshop.
Successful completion of this assignment will allow for a Certificate of Competence in Research Ethics to be issued.
PART 2 (1 hour) describes how to apply for ethics clearance to the main university or to school ethics committees.
This workshop will be relevant to Honours, Masters and PhD students dealing with human subjects in their research project.
Presented by Prof. Jasper Knight.
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The WITS PhD Seminar, Day 1
Wits PhD presentation by competition finalists

29 September 2020: Session 1
- 09:00 Professor Joao Rodrigues, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research & PG Affairs (Opening Remarks)
- 09:10 Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Wits Vice-Principal and Vice-Chancellor (designate) (Keynote Address)
- 09:30 Professor Robert Muponde, Director: Postgraduate Affairs Office (On The PhD Seminar)
- 09:45 1 Albert Whata: Change Point Detection for SARS-CoV-2 DNA Sequences
- 10:35 3 Carol Preston: Responding to multiple pandemics through arts-based activities with primary school children in a rural community
- 11:00 4 Caroline Rimmer: ANXIETY: THE UNSEEN KILLER
- 11:25 5 Chia-yu Chen: Transgenic crops: The missing link in the battle against pandemics
- 11:50 6 Claire Hart: The sibling pandemic: What psychoanalytic sibling research can teach us about the COVID-19 world
- 12:15 hr 7 Jorge da Rocha: Parallel Pandemics - Pharmacogenomics and Prevaricators
- 12:40 hr 8 Leigh Crymble: Driving positive behavioural change during a pandemic using language, personality values and decision-making insights
- 13:05 hr 9 Lerato E. Mohalajeng: Crowdsourcing: The Solution to Efficient Drug Development During Pandemics
- 13:30 hr 10. Melusi M. Makhoba: Recalibration of the marketing strategy during a pandemic
- 13:55 hr 11 Marifa Muchemwa: Family Changes and Child Maintenance Effect on Men’s Mental Health in South Africa in the context of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
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The WITS PhD Seminar, Day 2
Wits PhD presentation by competition finalists

30 September 2020: Session 2
- 09:00 hr 12 Melanie Moodie: “Vaccine Voices”- the antidote to the pandemic of scientific misinformation
- 09:25 hr 13 Mwansa Ketty Lubeya: Impact of the COVID 19-Pandemic on delivery of the human papillomavirus vaccine to adolescent girls in Zambia
- 09:50 hr 14 Ndivhuwo Shumbula: Surface enhanced Raman scattering/spectroscopy and its potential in early detection of diseases: Towards diagnostics and combating Covid-19 pandemic
- 10:15 hr 15 Onyinye Jennifer Uwaezuoke: A neoteric biomaterial design for limiting mucous surface interaction with pandemic-causing viral proteins.
- 10:40 hr 16 Ruth Stephenson: The importance of wastewater treatment during a pandemic and the role that constructed wetlands can play in rural communities.
- 11:10 hr 17 Seyram Pearl Kumah: African financial markets in a storm: Cryptocurrency safe havens during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 11:35 hr 18 Tamlyn Naidu: Pandemic Prevention using Early Detection Techniques in Wastewater: Using our Sewage System to Curb Infection Rates
- 12:00 hr 19 Tumelo Moshoette: DNA ORIGAMI: The molecular art of getting viruses ‘to fold’
- 12:50 hr 21 David M. Witelson: Pandemic: indigenous southern African notions of unstoppable disease and how to fight it
- 13:15 hr 22 Zakhele Ndala: Redesigning the face mask for the inactivation of airborne viruses
Close of event:
- 13:40 Professor Robert Muponde, Director: Postgraduate Affairs Office
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The cross-faculty postgrad symposium
Join us online for the 11th cross-faculty Wits Postgrad Symposium.

The highly popular Postgrad Symposium is back!
This year the event will take place virtually between 12 and 14 October. Students who are on a quest for deeper knowledge and in pursuit of innovative solutions will once again get the chance to showcase their work through oral presentations, GradFlash, or poster presentations.
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