How to Design and Present a Poster
When: | Tuesday, 04 July 2023 |
Where: | Wartenweiler Conference Room - Floor 4, Wartenweiler Library, East Campus |
Start time: | 13:00 |
Enquiries: | |
Workshop for Postgraduate students presented by Prof Jasper Knight
This 3-hr workshop focuses on the successful design and then the delivery of a poster, which is a typical mode of presenting results at an academic conference. This workshop will deal with what a poster should look like, how it should be designed and structured, and practical tips for the presenter (and for the audience) on how to interact with a poster. Attendees will then have an opportunity to start to design their own posters (based on their research), with opportunities for feedback. This is a practical workshop with interactive elements and will be run as a face-to-face activity on campus only. Attendees should bring their own laptops and any other materials they require (poster sheets will be provided). This workshop is suitable for staff and students who are preparing to present their studies/results as a poster at a conference, symposium or similar event.
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