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Criteria for Publication

Palaeontologia africana accepts manuscripts on palaeontological research conducted using the scientific method, regardless of novelty or positive/negative results. It defines palaeontology broadly, and will consider archaeological research in addition to strict palaeontology. It focuses on research concerning Africa and Gondwana, and give manuscripts addressing these areas priority. 

Palaeontologia africana accepts the following categories of manuscripts:

Reviews: articles summarizing previous research and containing a minimum of new data

Technical reports: articles detailing new methodologies, software, databases, etc.

Research articles: articles describing original research

Special publications: extremely long articles with broad scope, e.g., taxonomic reviews

The following guidelines are used to assess the suitability of submitted manuscripts:

  1. Use of the scientific method in the investigation
  2. Originality of the research – i.e., it has not been published elsewhere
  3. Adequate methodological description to enable full reproduction of the study
  4. Manuscript is written in standard English
  5. The research is conducted in accordance with standards for ethics set out by the Society for Vertebrate Palaeontology
  6. Data presented in the article are available publicly and archived permanently