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DPHRU Publications 2014

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles and Research Reviews

Note: Authors in bold are affiliated with MRC/Wits DPHRU

  1. Hsiao, C. & Richter, L.M. (2014). Early mental development as a predictor of preschool cognitive and behavioral development in South Africa: The moderating role of maternal education in the Birth to Twenty Cohort. Infants and Young Children, 27, 74-87. 
  2. Draper C, Basset S, de Villiers A, Lambert EV; HAKSA Writing Group. Results from South Africa's 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. J Phys Act Health. 2014 May;11 Suppl 1:S98-104. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2014-0185. (Micklesfield LK listed as member of HAKSA Writing Group)
  3. Richter LM, Lo¨nnroth K, Desmond C, Jackson R, Jaramillo E, Weil D (2014). Economic Support to Patients in HIV and TB Grants in Rounds 7 and 10 from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. PLOS One. Jan Volume 9; Issue 1; e86225 PMID: 24489702
  4. Mcveigh JA, Meiring R, Cimato A, Micklesfield LK, Oosthuyse T. (2015). Radial bone size and strength indices in male road cyclists, mountain bikers and controls. Eur J Sport Sci. 15(4): 332-40
  5. Rotheram-Borus MJ, Richter LM, van Heerden A, van Rooyen H, Tomlinson M, Harwood JM, Comulada WS, Stein A. A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of Peer Mentors to Support South African Women Living with HIV and Their Infants. PLOS One. Volume 9; Issue 1, e86225 PMID: 24465444
  6. Mendenhall E, Norris SA, Shidhaye R, Prabhakaran D. Depression and Type 2 Diabetes in Low and Middle Income Countries:  A Systematic Review. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2014 103(2): 276-85 PMID: 24485858
  7. Huybrechts I, Beirlaen C, De Vriendt T, Slimani N, Pisa PT, Schouppe E, De Coene A, De Bacquer D, De Henauw S, Himes JH. (2014). Validity of instruction leaflets for parents to measure their child’s weight and height at home: results obtained from a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. Feb 7;4(2):e003768 doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003768
  8. Thandrayen K, Norris SA, Micklesfield LK, Pettifor JM. (2014). Fracture patterns and bone mass in South African adolescent-mother pairs: The Birth to Twenty Cohort. Osteoporosis International. 25:2; Feb 693-700. PMID: 23943166
  9. Micklesfield LK, Pedro TM, Kahn K, Kinsman J, Pettifor JM, Tollman S, Norris SA. (2014) Physical activity and sedentary behavior among adolescents in rural South Africa: Levels, patterns and correlates. BMC Public Health. Jan 16;14(1):40 PMID: 24433276
  10. Gitau TM, Micklesfield LK, Pettifor JM, Norris SA.  Eating attitudes, body image and self esteem among adolescent females living in urban South Africa: the impact of acculturation. Journal of Psychiatry Jan 17:468-474 (10.4172/1994-8220.1000101
  11. Richter L, Komárek A, Desmond C, Celentano D, Morin S, Sweat M, Chariyalertsak S, Chingono A, Gray G, Mbwambo J, Coates T Reported physical and sexual abuse in childhood and adult HIV risk behaviour in three African countries: findings from Project Accept (HPTN-043). AIDS Behav. 2014 Feb;18(2):381-9 PMID: 23474641
  12. van Heerden AC, Norris SA, Tollman SM, Stein AD, Richter LM. (2014). Field Lessons From the Delivery of Questionnaires to Young Adults Using Mobile Phones. Social Science Computer Review, February 2014; vol. 32, 1: pp. 105-112
  13. Pienaar PR, Micklesfield LK, Levitt NS, Gooding K, Shore AC, Goedecke JH, Gill JMR, Lambert EV. Insulin resistance is associated with lower acetylcholine-induced microvascular reactivity in the peripheral microcirculation of non-diabetic women.  Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders Apr;12(3):178-84 PMID: 24460367
  14. Meekins ME, Oberhelman SS, Lee BR, Gardner BM, Cha SS, Singh RJ, Pettifor JM, Fischer PR, Thacher TD. Pharmacokinetics of daily versus monthly vitamin D3 supplementation in non-lactating women. Eur J Clin Nutr May;68(5):632-4 PMID: 24424073
  15. Richter L, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Van Heerden A, Stein A, Tomlinson M, Harwood JM, Rochat T, Van Rooyen H, Comulada, WS, Tang, Z.. Pregnant Women Living with HIV (WLH) Supported at Clinics by Peer WLH: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. AIDS Behaviour. Apr;18(4):706-15 PMID: 24469222
  16. Lopes Ibanez-Gonzalez D and Greenstein R. (2014). Chronic Illness and the Urban Healthworld: A Sowetan Case Study. South Africa Review of Sociology. June: 97-116.
  17. Pettifor JM. How should we manage vitamin d deficiency rickets.Indian Pediatr. 2014 Apr 8;51(4):259-60. PMID: 24825258
  18. Glorieux FH, Pettifor JM. (2014). Vitamin D/dietary calcium deficiency rickets and pseudo-vitamin D deficiency rickets. Bonekey Rep. 2014 Mar 19;3:524. eCollection
  19. Chirwa ED, Griffiths PL, Maleta K, Norris SA, Cameron N. (2014). Multilevel modeling of longitudinal child growth data from the Birth to Twenty Cohort: A comparison of growth models. Annals of Human Biology. Mar-Apr;41(2):166-77
  20. George JA, Micklesfield LK, Norris SA, Crowther NJ. (2014). The association between body composition, 25(OH)D and PTH, and bone mineral density in Black African and Asian Indian population groups. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Jun;99(6):2146-54.
  21. Geary RS, Gomez-Olive X, Kahn K, Tollman S, Norris SA. (2014). Barriers to and facilitators of the provision of a youth-friendly health services programme in rural South Africa. BMC Health Services Research. Jun 16;14:259. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-259. PMID: 24934095
  22. Macaulay S, Dunger DB,Norris SA. (2014). Gestational diabetes mellitus in Africa: a systematic review. PLoS One. Jun 3;9(6):e97871. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097871 PMID: 24892280
  23. Draper CE, Micklesfield LK, Kahn K, Tollman SM, Pettifor JM, Dunger DB, Norris SA on behalf of the Ntshembo Consortium. Application of Intervention Mapping to develop a community-based health promotion pre-pregnancy intervention for adolescent girls in rural South Africa: Project Ntshembo (Hope). BMC Public Health June 14(Suppl 2):S2-S5
  24. Norris SA, Anuar H, Matzen P, Cheah JCH, Jensen BB, Hanson M. (2014). The life and health challenges of young Malaysian couples: results from a stakeholder consensus and engagement study to support non-communicable disease prevention. BMC Public Health June 14(Suppl 2):S2-S6
  25. The H3A Consortium. (2014). Enabling the genomic revolution in Africa. H3Africa is developing capacity for health-related genomics in Africa. Science. 344, 1346-1348. [IF=31.03]
  26. Daniels J, Komárek A, Makusha T, Van Heerden A, Gray G, Chingono A, Mbwambo JK, Coates T, Richter L Effects of a Community Intervention on HIV Prevention Behaviors among Men Who Experienced Childhood Sexual or Physical Abuse in Four African Settings: Findings from NIMH Project Accept (HPTN 043). PLoS One. 2014 Jun 13;9(6):e99643. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099643
  27. Dickie K, Micklesfield LK, Chantler S, Lambert EV, Goedecke JH. Meeting physical activity guidelines is associated with reduced risk for cardiovascular disease in black South African women: a 5.5-year follow-up study. BMC Public Health. 2014 May 23;14(1):498.
  28. Murugan N, Dickens C, Pisa P; McCormack V, Joffe M, Jacobson J, Cubasch H. (2014). Down-staging of breast cancer in the pre-screening era: Experiences from Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Soweto, South Africa. South African Journal of Medicine. 104(5):380.
  29. De Kadt J, Norris SA, Fleisch BD, Richter LM, Alvanides S. (2014). Children’s daily travel to school in Johannesburg,-Soweto, South Africa: geography and school choice in Birth to Twenty cohort study. Childrens Geographies. 12(2): 170-188
  30. Casale D, Desmond C, Richter L. (2014). The association between stunting and psychosocial development among preschool children: a study using the South African Birth to Twenty cohort data. Child Care Health and Development. 40:6; 900-910
  31. Gradidge PJ, Crowther NJ,  Chirwa ED, Norris SA, Micklesfield LK (2014). Patterns levels and correlates of self-reported physical activity in urban black Soweto women. BMC Public Health. Sep 8;14:934.
  32. Sedibe MH, Kahn K, Edin K, Gitau T, Ivarsson A, Norris SA. (2014). Exploring healthy eating practices and physical activity among adolescent girls in rural South Africa Exploring healthy eating practices and physical activity among adolescent girls in rural South Africa. BMC Paediatrics. Aug 26;14(1):211. doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-14-211
  33. Ramsay M, de Vries J, Soodyall H, Norris SA, Sankoh O. (2014). Ethical issues in genomic research on the African continent: experiences and challenges to Ethics Review Committees. Human Genomics Aug 21;8(1):15.
  34. Lundeen EA,Stein AD, Adair LS, Behrman JR, Bhargava SK, Dearden KA, Gigante D, Norris SA, Richter LM, Fall CHD, Martorell R, Sachdev HA, Victora CG, on behalf of the COHORTS investigators. (2014). Height-for-age z scores increase despite increasing height deficits among children in five developing countries. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Sep;100(3):821-5.
  35. Chirwa ED, Griffiths PL, Maleta K, Pettifor JM, Norris SA (2014). Postnatal growth velocity and overweight in early adolescents: A comparison of rural and urban African boys and girls.  American Journal of Human Biology. Sep-Oct;26(5):643-5.
  36. George JA, Norris SA, van Deventer HE, Pettifor JM, Crowther NJ. (2014). The Effect of Adiposity, Season, Diet and Supplementation on Vitamin D Status of Healthy Urban South African Adults. British Journal of Nutrition. Aug 28;112(4):590-9.
  37. Feeley AB,Norris SA. (2014). Added sugar and dietary sodium intake from purchased fast food, confectionery, sweetened beverages and snacks among urban Sowetan adolescents. South African Journal of Child Health. 8(3):88-91. DOI:10.7196/SAJCH.678.
  38. Koon AD, Goudge J, Norris SA. (2014). Considerations for Linking South Africa’s Youth Friendly Services to its Community Health Worker Program. South Africa Journal of Child Health. 8(3):85-87. DOI:10.7196/SAJCH.677.
  39. Madhavan S, Richter LM, Norris SA. (2014). Father Contact Following Union Dissolution for Low Income Children in Urban South Africa. Journal of Family Issues. Published online May 2014 DOI: 10.1177/0192513X14532255
  40. Sedibe MH, Feeley AB, Voorend C, Griffiths P, Doak C, Norris SA. (2014).  Narratives of urban female adolescents in South Africa: dietary and physical activity practices in an obesogenic environment. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 27(3):114-119
  41. Madhavan S, Hoesgoed V, Norris SA, Richter LM. (2014). Fathers' Financial Support of Children in Urban South Africa. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 35(4):452-463.
  42. Goedecke JH, Micklesfield LK. (2014). The effect of exercise on obesity, body fat distribution and risk of type 2 diabetes. Med Sport Sci. 2014;60:82-93. doi: 10.1159/000357338. Epub 2014 Sep 9
  43. Wrottesley S, Micklesfield LM, Hamil MM, Goldberg G, Prentice A, Pettifor JM, Norris SA, Feeley A. (2014). Dietary intake and body composition in HIV-positive and -negative South African women. Public Health Nutrition. July 17:1603-1613
  44. Pienaar PR, Micklesfield LK, Gill JM, Shore AC, Gooding KM, Levitt NS, Lambert EV. Ethnic differences in microvascular function in apparently healthy South African men and women. Exp Physiol. 2014 Jul;99(7):985-94
  45. Meiring RM, Micklesfield LK, Avidon I, McVeigh JA. (2014). Osteogenic effects of a physical activity intervention in South African black children. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2014 Sep;14(3):276-85.
  46. Thacher TD, Fischer PR, Pettifor JM. (2014). Vitamin D treatment in calcium-deficiency rickets: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Dis Child. 2014 Sep;99(9):807-11
  47. Lopes Ibanez-Gonzalez D. (2014). Perspectives on health care, chronic non-communicable disease, and healthworlds in an urban and rural setting. Glob Health Action. 2014 Sep 24;7:25317. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25317. eCollection 2014
  48. Sherr L, Cluver LD, Betancourt TS, Kellerman SE, Richter LM, Desmond C. (2014). Evidence of impact: health, psychological and social effects of adult HIV on children. AIDS. 2014 Jul;28 Suppl 3:S251-9
  49. Andronikou S, Ackermann C, Laughton B, Cotton M, Tomazos N, Spottiswoode B, Mauff K, Pettifor JM. (2014). Correlating brain volum and callosal thickness with clinical and laboratory indicators of disease severity in children with HIV-related brain disease. Childs Nerv Syst. 2014 Sep;30(9):1549-57
  50. Verkuijl NE, Richter LM; Norris SA; Stein A;  Avan B; Ramchandani PG. (2014). Postnatal depressive symptoms and child psychological development at 10 years: a longitudinal cohort in South Africa. The Lancet Psychiatry. 1 (Nov):454-460
  51. Adedokun B, Nyasulu P, Maseko F, Adedini S, Akinyemi J, Afolabi S, de Wet N, Sulaimon A, Sambai C, Utembe W, Opiyo R, Awotidebe T, Chirwa E, Nabakwe E, Niragire F, Uwizeye D, Niwemahoro C, Kamndaya M, Mwakalinga V, Otwombe K. Sharing perspectives and experiences of doctoral fellows in the first cohort of Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa: 2011-2014. Glob Health Action. 2014 29;7:25127. doi: 10.3402/gha.v7.25127. eCollection 2014.
  52. Lopes Ibanez-Gonzalez D, Mendenhall E,Norris SA. A mixed methods exploration of patterns of healthcare utilization of urban women with non-communicable disease in South Africa. BMC Health Services Research. Nov 4;14(1):528
  53. Norris SA, Wrottesley S, Said Mohamed R, Micklesfield LK. (2014). Africa in transition: Growth trends in children and implications for nutrition. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 64 Suppl 2:8-13
  54. Pettifor JM. (2014). Calcium and vitamin D metabolism in children in developing countries. Ann Nutr Metab. 2014;64 Suppl 2:15-22. doi: 10.1159/000365124.
  55. Hough FS, Brown SL, Cassim B, Davey MR, de Lange W, de Villiers TJ, Ellis GC, Lipschitz S, Lukhele M, Pettifor JM National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa. (2014). The safety of osteoporosis medication. S Afr Med J. 2014 Apr;104(4):279-82.
  56. Gitau TM, Micklesfield LK, Pettifor JM, Norris SA. (2014). Changes in eating attitudes, body esteem and weight control behaviours during adolescence in a South African cohort. PLOS ONE. Oct 13;9(10):e109709
  57. Jaff NG, Snyman T, Norris SA, Crowther NJ. (2014). Staging reproductive aging using Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop + 10 in black urban African women in the Study of Women Entering and in Endocrine Transition. Menopause. 21(11):1225-1233.
  58. Thacher TD, Fischer PR, Pettifor JM. (2014). The effect of nutritional rickets on bone mineral density. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Nov;99(11):4174-80
  59. Knight L, McGrath N, van Rooyen H, Humphries H, van Heerden A, Richter L. (2014). Characteristics of sexually experienced HIV testers aged 18 to 32 in rural South Africa: baseline results from a community-based trial, NIMH Project Accept (HPTN 043). BMC Public Health. Nov 13;14(1):1164
  60. van Heerden AC, Norris SA, Tollman SM, Richter LM. (2014). Collecting Health Research Data: Comparing Mobile Phone-assisted Personal Interviewing to Paper-and-pen Data Collection. Field Methods. 26(4) 307-321
  61. Huybrechts I, De Vriendt T, Breidenassel C, Rogiers J, Vanaelst B, Cuenca-García M, Moreno LA, González-Gross M, Roccaldo R, Kafatos A, Clays E, Bueno G, Beghin L, Sjöstrom M, Manios Y, Molnár D, Pisa PT, De Henauw S; HELENA Study Group. (2014). Mechanisms of stress, energy homeostasis and insulin resistance in European adolescents--the HELENA study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2014 Oct;24(10):1082-9.
  62. Gitau TM, Micklesfield LK, Pettifor JM, Norris SA. (2014). Eating attitudes, body image satisfaction and self-esteem of South African Black and White male adolescents and their perception of female body silhouettes. J Child Adolesc Ment Health. 2014 Dec;26(3):193-205
  63. Pedro TM, Kahn K, Pettifor JM, Tollman SM, Norris SA. (2014). Under- and over-nutrition and evidence of metabolic disease risk in rural black South African children and adolescents. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 27: 194-200
  64. Pisa PT, Landais E, Margetts B, Vorster HH, Friedenreich CM, Huybrechts I, Martin-Prevel Y, Branca F, Lee WT, Leclercq C, Jerling J, Zotor F, Amuna P, Al Jawaldeh A, Aderibigbe RO, Amoussa WH, Anderson CA, Aounallah-Skhiri H, Atek M, Benhura C, Chifamba J, Covic N, Dary O, Delisle H, El Ati J, El Hamdouchi A, El Rhazi K, Faber M, Kalimbira A, Korkalo L, Kruger A, Ledo J, Machiweni T, Mahachi C, Mathe N, Mokori A, Mouquet-Rivier C, Mutie C, Nashandi Hilde L, Norris SA, Onabanjo OO, Rambeloson Z, Saha Foudjo BU, Ubaoji KI, Zaghloul S, Slimani N. (2014). Inventory on the dietary assessment tools available and needed in Africa: a prerequisite for setting up a common methodological research infrastructure for nutritional surveillance, research and prevention of diet-related non-communicable diseases. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2014 Dec 8:0. [Epub ahead of print]
  65. Kimani-Murage EW, Wekesah F, Wanjohi M, Kyobutungi C, Ezeh AC, Musoke RN, Norris SA, Madise NJ, Griffiths P. (2014). Factors affecting actualisation of the WHO breastfeeding recommendations in urban poor settings in Kenya. Matern Child Nutr. 2014 Dec 17. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12161. [Epub ahead of print]
