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Heroes: Club

The ?Heroes? Club
In 1990, between March and June, shortly after Nelson Mandela?s release from prison, you were born in the Soweto-Johannesburg area. That automatically qualified you to be part of Birth to Twenty. Now, the fact that you are part of this study means that you are a member of the Heroes Club, a club for all Birth to Twenty children. The word ?hero? means champion, and it fits perfectly because you are champions by participating in research that makes a difference.

The joys of being a Hero
The Heroes club is exclusively for BTT children-no oneelse can be part of it. There are special benefits for being part of the club. There areactivities, newsletters and your own website.

Be vocal and be heard
Being in the study means you are a member of the Heroes Club, BUT you have to be actively involved to experience the joys of being a member.Write in and or draw for us. Read the newsletters, visit the website and, of course, you MUST come visit us.

Remember postage is free:
Birth to Twenty
University of the Witwatersrand
Freepost JHZ320
WITS 2050
