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Monday, 20 August 2018 - Sunday, 26 August 2018

The Wits Evolutionary Studies Institute and University of Bergen's SFF Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour have collaborated on "Origins of Sapiens Behaviour".
The Wits Transformation and Employment Equity Office and ACTIVATE Wits will host the annual Wits Pride in association with other partners.
The Wits Mine Health and Safety Research Group will host this seminar.
'Tap your Afro Source Code' will explore how local culture can move and change the future of technology, and unpack the source code of our African identity.
Professor Noor Nieftagodien from the School of Social Sciences will deliver his inaugural lecture.
Another home game for the Witsies taking on NWU.
The Wits Writing Centre is hosting the launch of uNjabulo by Siya Masuku.