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Monday, 21 November 2016 - Sunday, 27 November 2016

This exhibition will run until 3 December 2016.
Professor Jannie Rossouw will deliver his inaugural lecture on the above topic.
The Thabo Mbeki I Know, is a book that celebrates one of South Africa’s most exceptional thought leaders.
Professor Jill Adler and the Wits Maths Connect Secondary Project will celebrate the culmination of the Transition Maths 1 (TM1) course for 2016.
The Wits Business School will host what promises to be a fascinating lecture by Professor Jonathan Michie from Oxford University.
The Wits So Solo festival opens with the war chant of a dynamic trio of artists
So Solo, the festival of one-person plays at WITS, is back with an inspiring third season of thought-provoking theatre. Book your tickets today!
Three giants of indigenous African music are set to stage a memorable free concert at the Wits Theatre.