Bachelor of Commerce (General)

Invest in your future with a Wits BCom. Establish a strong knowledge foundation, build your intellectual capital, and take the first step towards future-proofing your career.


Associated with one of the highest graduate employment rates in the country, a Wits BCom makes you highly sought-after, both locally and internationally.

First things first

The Wits BCom includes compulsory first year courses that build foundational knowledge in Economics, Accounting, Commercial Law, Information Systems and Introductory Mathematics and Business Statistics. These courses prepare you for a career in the commercial and related sectors of any economy.

You can either take them as full-year courses across both semesters of the academic year, or as semester courses in the first or second semesters. In some cases, you must pass one course before proceeding to another.

Two or three majors?

The Wits BCom is a double major degree, which means you need to complete at least two full majors. But, in your second year, you can choose courses or modules that lead to three potential majors.

By choosing three majors in your second year, you can start exploring areas of interest in more depth, but make a final decision later.

You must have at least one major from Commerce, Law and Management (CLM); your second major could be from another faculty, like Science or Humanities. However, many students take both majors from disciplines offered within CLM.

Still deciding? Go General.

One of the great benefits of a Wits BCom General degree is that you don’t have to commit to your major choices in first year. Even if you choose one of the more specialised BCom degrees (e.g. BCom Law or BCom PPE), you can easily move between degrees if you change your mind later.

From second year onwards, BCom General students select their majors from either: • Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Insurance and Risk Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing and Management; • Courses offered in the School of Accountancy (i.e. Auditing, Taxation and Management Accounting); or • Selected approved majors from other faculties

Want to study this degree part-time?

Click here for more information.

Career Opportunities

  • Chartered Certified Accountant
  • Chartered Financial Analyst
  • Internal Auditor
  • Management Accountant
  • Management Consultant
  • Professional Accountant


Please note that if you intend to major in Accounting in the BCom General degree – an extra minimum of 18 credits needs to be taken to fulfill the minimum credit requirement for the degree.

  • Accounting I
  • Computational Mathematics I
  • Business Statistics I
  • Commercial Law I
  • Economics IA (Microeconomics)
  • Economics IB (Macroeconomics)


  • Economic Theory IA (Microeconomics for Economists)
  • Economic Theory IB (Macroeconomics for Economists)

AND, one of the following:

  • Information Systems IA


  • Fundamentals of Information Systems
  • Economics and Finance
  • Economics and Management
  • Finance and Management
  • Finance and Insurance and Risk Management
  • Insurance and Risk Management and Management
  • Marketing and Management
  • Marketing and Human Resources Management
  • Human Resource Management and Management
  • Economics and Finance
  • Economics and Management
  • Finance and Management
  • Finance and Insurance and Risk Management
  • Insurance and Risk Management and Management
  • Marketing and Management
  • Marketing and Human Resources Management
  • Human Resource Management and Management

Students who major in one or more of the following courses must take note that they need to pick up extra credits to meet the minimum number of 432 credits to qualify: Accounting III, Management Accounting and Finance III, Taxation III, Auditing III, and Audit and Assurance III.

Entry Requirements

APS 38+

English Home Language OR First Additional Language Level 5

Mathematics Level 5


Applicants with an APS of 35-37, as well as English Level 5 and Mathematics Level 5, will be wait-listed subject to place availability.


University Application Process

  • The Student Enrolment Centre at Wits handles all student applications.
  • Please click here for an overview of the application process. 
  • Check the admission requirements for your degree. Check if any additional selection requirements apply. 
  • Submit your application, required documentation and application fee before the closing date.
  • Once you have applied, an admissions consultant will be assigned to your application.
  • Applicants can monitor the progress of their applications via the Self Service Portal.
  • If you are an international applicant and/or have a foreign qualification, please click here.

Compliance with the minimum requirements does not guarantee a place at the University. The University has a specific number of places for first year undergraduates, approved by the Department of Higher Education and Training. Final selection is made subject to the availability of places, academic results and other entry requirements where applicable.

University Fees and Funding

Click here to see the current average tuition fees for the first year of study. The Fees website also provides information about the payment of fees and closing dates for fees payments. Once you have applied you will be able to access the fees estimator on the student self-service portal. 

The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office provides information on student funding and scholarships. University-funded Scholarships include Vice-Chancellor's Scholarships, University Entrance Scholarships, Equality Scholarships, Sports Scholarships and National Olympiad winner awards. For information about NSFAS funding, please visit the NSFAS websiteExternal bursaries portal: The Bursaries South Africa website provides a comprehensive list of bursaries in South Africa.