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Annual Fund champs

One donor who gives monthly to the Wits Annual Fund said: “I was privileged to attend Wits for five years of part-time study (as I had to pay my own way) and was able to become a chartered accountant as a result. Wits is a great institution, which maintains international standards – long may that continue.”

Another said: “It had always been my childhood dream to obtain a degree from Wits University. It was not easy in the early 1980s to get access to Wits because the fees were exorbitant. I had to wait and work to save money to attend Wits. I attended Wits through part-time classes and block release tuition and I paid the fees myself. I identify with the many children who want to attend Wits but do not have financial muscle to do so. I know what it means. As part of my saying thank you to Wits and helping the youth to attend school and the University to advance research and teaching, I will continue making my small monthly contribution to the University. I feel great at the end of each month when my bank notifies me about my Wits deduction. I know that little deduction is making a difference in someone’s life.”

Your donation matters. Give to the Wits Annual Fund today.

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