Many of digital communication technologies have become cheap and easily available through the internet, requiring merely a screen and connection to operate. This screen has rapidly altered our use of social environments (much as the telephone and television had done previously) and with advancing social networking websites will continue to challenge physical interaction. Yet within these environments of collapsed boundaries between public consumption and private expression, devices can still be deployed to offer new social realms for other forms of engagement.
Internet cafes in Yeoville are a local example of such spatial developments, especially with regard to long-distance diaspora communications in which immigrants from across Africa are in constant dialogue with family and colleagues over personal and commercial matters. We might imagine designing spatial interfaces for these dialogues in which people want to be seen demonstrating cooking, arguing wedding arrangements, choosing materials for production, convening tribunals, but also in some instances needing to remain hidden, withholding current identities and conditions, managing secretive and illicit activities, confessing betrayal.
The current set of internet cafes simply inhabit shops or rooms in buildings with cabins or desks in semi-private formats (even as many also carry other commercial activities). Architecture might begin to draw on some of these arrangements as parasitic spatial strategies of fully utilising host spaces to grow and conduct activities. These strategies could further develop as metaphoric displacement (the space becomes what you say you want it to do), incompleteness (evolving adaptable forms and spaces in response to decreased building life-cycles), material mimicry (defensive disappearance or conversely radical display) and functional hijacking (stealing other local uses) in order to fully realise a lost or completely new set of urban opportunities. Becoming attachments, pods, billboards or hidden corridors that not only infiltrate the area but also spread innovative shared public realms for spontaneous expression that will be constantly renewed.