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Undergraduate courses


STAT1002A Actuarial Science 1

'qualifying course'

Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance and demography

The Theory of Interest; Simple and Compound, Effective and Nominal Rates of Interest; Discounting and the Rate of Discount; Equations of Value; Annuity Theory; Analysis of the Annuity; Sinking Funds; The Force of Interest; Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance; Fixed Interest Securities; Life Table Theory; Elementary Demography.

STAT1003A Mathematical Statistics 1

First qualifying course

Descriptive Statistical Techniques; Counting Methods; Permutations and Combinations; Probability; Basic Concepts; Bayes Theorem. Discrete and Continuous Random Variables; Binominal; Poisson; Geometric; Hypergeometric; Normal and Exponential distribution. Introduction to Inference; Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing on means and proportions. Correlation and Regression; Least Squares Fitting of Lines and Planes; Inference on Regression. Introduction to contingency tables.

STAT1005A Ancillary Statistics I

'qualifying course'

An elementary coverage of common statistical methods use in the applied sciences. These include descriptive statistics (graphical as well as numerical summaries); simple random sampling; basic probability; the binomial; geometric; Poisson and normal distributions; hypothesis testing and confidence intervals; non-parametric tests; chi-squared tests; correlation; regression and an introduction to ANOVA. Two-way ANOVA; more advanced graphical techniques; more advanced distributions; sampling finite populations.

STAT1000/1/4A Business Statistics I

A half course in statistics aimed at teaching students to identify the types of situations in commerce that require the use of statistics. The content of this course comprises of the following: Descriptive statistics (graphical and numerical measures); correlation and regression (least squares fitting of straight lines); Time series analysis (graphical representations, smoothing and decomposition methods); Probability (basic concepts; conditional, independence and counting techniques); Discrete and continuous distributions (Binomial, Poisson, exponential and normal); Inference (sampling distribution of the mean and proportion, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing 

STAT2005A Mathematical Statistics II

'qualifying course'

This course comprises of the following:
Probability; conditional probability; Bayes theorem; random variables; distributions and their properties; generating functions; bivariate distributions; marginal and conditional distributions; transformations of random variables; order statistics; introduction to sampling; introduction to sums of random variables and sampling distributions.
Sums of random variables; sampling distributions; law of large numbers; Chebychev’s inequality; Central limit Theorem; point estimation; interval estimation; hypothesis testing; ANOVA ; Chi-squared tests; sufficient statistics; theory of hypothesis testing; Monte Carlo simulation; review of matrix theory; multivariate normal distribution; introduction to multiple regression.

STAT2008A Actuarial Science II

'qualifying course'

The course consists of the following modules:

Mathematics of Finance II

Further theory of finance, valuation of securities, capital gains tax; consumer credit; stochastic interest rate models; yield curves; theory of immunization; loan schedules; types of investments; forward contracts; term structure of interest rates; log –normal distribution; business application; net present value; internal rate of return; inflation adjustments.

Introduction to Life Contingencies

Single Life Contingencies: Introduction to Annuities and Assurances on one life; Reserving; Cash flow Emergence.
Practical computing skills; spread sheet skills; presentation skills; actuarial report writing skills; concept of business materiality and commercial relevance; capital projects; environmental impact assessments; business risk management.

STAT3017A Mathematical Statistics III

'qualifying course'

Risk Theory

Loss distributions; parameter estimation and inference; deductibles; reinsurance; inflation; risk models; compound distributions; panjer’s recursive formula; probability of ruin; integro-differential equation; adjustment coefficient; Lundberg’s inequality; optimisation of reinsurance arrangements; reserving models; no claim discount systems; Bayesians statistics; credibility theory.

Non -Parametric Statistics

An introduction to some of the most commonly used non-parametric techniques. Items include: order statistics and their applications, the sign test and its variations; rank tests; tests for the measure of association; tests of randomness; discussion of the treatment of ties and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for one and two samples.

Stochastic Processes

This course is an introduction to stochastic processes, which are mathematical models for systems that evolve randomly over time or space. The course is composed of three parts. The first part exposes some general facts about stochastic processes and their properties while the two last parts focus on discrete state space Markov processes.

Regression Analysis

Multiple regressions includes theory as well as aspects of assessing model fit, such as residual analysis, outlier diagnostics and problems of model interpretation due to multicollinearity.

Time Series Analysis

The time series section covers the theory and application of exponential smoothing, Box Jenkins time series methods, including model building and model checks. An introduction to Spectral Analysis: Time series in the frequency domain.

Generalised linear Models

The rest of the module deals with applied likelihood methods generalised linear models and categorical data analysis (Logistic Regression, Poisson Regression, Negative Binomial Regression, ZIP and ZAP Models). It also includes a section on the design of experiments including background and an overview, the concept of blocking and randomisation and some designs of experiments.

STAT3010A Life Contingencies III

'qualifying course'

The mathematics of life assurance and pension schemes.

STAT3015A Actuarial Economics

The term structure of interest rates, asset and liability modelling, the use of derivative instruments.

STAT3021A Computers and Communications for Actuaries III

This course covers the use of computers in actuarial work. Both scientific and commercial applications are covered. In addition, it covers basic communication skills required to present results obtained to relevant audiences.

STAT3030 Actuarial Reserving Techniques

This course covers the theory and application of survival modelling using estimation procedures for lifetime distributions and transition intensities.
