Discovery Foundation awards for Rising Stars
The Discover Foundation awards have supported the training and research of nearly 300 new medical specialists through financial grants totaling R160 million over the last 10 years.
At a prestigious event on Thursday 24th August the 2016 awards were made public and include Witsies, including:
Dr Gladness Nethathe, anesthesiologist and intensivist at Chris Hani Baragwaneth Academic Hospital for her research undertaking into the neuroendocrine changes in severe sepsis and multi trauma.
Dr Ntabozuko Dwane, pediatrician and child health researcher at Empilweni Services and Research Unit in Rahima Moosa Hospital for her undertaking research into cardiovascular risk factors and the impact of ARVĀ¹s in HIV- positive young people.
Dr Eitzaz Sadiq, Associate Lecture in Neurology and his undertaking of research trials into new onset of ischaemic stroke considering its link to HIV-Aids.
Dr John Thompson. Lecturer in Surgery at Chris Hani Baragwaneth Academic Hospital who is furthering research into why so many patients develop septic complications following acute pancreatitis.
Dr Tanya Schickerling, Lecturer in Paediatrics at Chris Hani Baragwaneth Academic Hospital and sub-specialist award winner for peadiatric oncology and child health, for her work in stem cell transplants in children with high-risk malignancies.
Dr Glen Thakhuma, working in nephrology at the Charlotte Maxeke Hospital for his sub-specialist award in nephrology and development of chronic renal failure and transplantation optimisation.
Dr Claire van Deventer, Professor in Family Medicine, Family Physician and instructor in the advanced emergency skills learning programme in the Kennith Kaunda District Hospitals in the North West province for a rural institution award to enhance and extend the BEST (Basic Emergency Skills Training) training programme.