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Tri-weekly Departmental Postgraduate (PG) Seminar’s for 2022


New to the seminars? Get an opportunity to present your research.

For those that are new to the seminars, the objectives of these seminars are as outlined below:

  1. Develop a culture of awareness with respect to local and international research that is currently being undertaken in your field of research;
  2. Provide an opportunity for postgraduates to present their research and receive feedback (especially from their peers);
  3. Hone your oral presentation skills;
  4. Get to know and interact with fellow postgraduate students and colleagues.

The seminars will take the following format:

  • [MS PowerPoint] presentation given by various postgraduate students (Typically 15 min. and 20 min. for MSc and PhD presentations respectively with 5 minutes for questions after the presentation).
  • Feedback session (especially by fellow PG students)
  • The seminars will take place once every three weeks and will be open to any interested undergraduate, postgraduate students and lecturers in the school. Due to venue size limitations undergraduates are asked to attend online using the online link that will be sent out with the calendar appointment.
  • Depending on the stage of your research, your presentation should cover a selection of the following items:
  • Research proposal (including a critical literature review, problem statement, aim and objectives, hypotheses, research plan, etc.)
  • Research methodology e.g. experimental work (current and future)
  • Results and analyses
  • Work-plan i.e. completion of research

  • Seminar take place in Room H6 in the Hillman Building, East Campus at start at 14:00. 

“Anyone who would like to be a part of this and has not already been contacted, please email or for other information on the seminar please get in contact with the PG student council.”

Students attending a seminar
