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Coping with food insecurity


In June the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development conducted a snap online survey of 1,000 South Africans across the country, aged between 18 and 55.

We explored various topical issues impacting quality of life in South Africa.

Report 2: Coping with food insecurity

Global food prices are rising at their fastest rate in a decade, with the biggest increases on basic food items (milk, oil, eggs) exacerbating the stress of the most vulnerable populations.(Source:

The Prevalence of Household food insecurity and of child hunger in South Africa has remained high since the Covid-19 pandemic began.

Recent evidence from the 5th National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) – Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (CRAM) shows that South Africans who are experiencing household hunger are suffering higher levels of depression than people in homes where there’s enough to eat. (Source: )

Read the report here: Food Insecurity Report

Report 1 dealt with Covid-19 and issues surrounding vaccine hesitancy
