Conectas is hiring
- Lee-Anne Bruce
Conectas Human Rights is seeking a short-term consultant to conduct a research about alternatives of institutional design for a grievance mechanism in the New Development Bank (“BRICS Bank”). The research is hosted under the Business and Human Rights Project of the organization, which aims at strengthening corporate accountability and liability mechanisms for human rights violations committed by the private sector, in particular by Brazilian companies operating in Brazil and abroad.
Conectas Human Rights
Conectas Human Rights is a non-profit organization founded in 2001, with an international mandate to strengthen human rights voices within the global south (Africa, Latin America, and Asia).
Development Finance and Human Rights
Conectas monitors and conducts advocacy activities aimed at enhancing the accountability of development finance institutions and promoting reforms in the institutional and regulatory framework that governs these organizations. We believe that the fundamental goal of all development financing institutions should be the pursuit of sustainable development that is inclusive and grounded in the protection of human rights.
The BRICS’ New Development Bank
At the 5th BRICS Summit, held in Durban, in South Africa, leaders of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) announced the creation of a new Multilateral Development Bank (MDB), intended primarily to fund infrastructure projects in emerging and developing countries. In their 6th Summit, in Fortaleza, Brasil, the BRICS signed the constitutive agreement of the New Development Bank, with the mission of mobilizing resources to infrastructure and sustainable developments in the developing world.
- Strong knowledge of human rights and development finance
- Demonstrable experience with human rights litigation before domestic courts, preferably in cases involving corporate-related human rights abuses
- Familiarity with extrajudicial mechanism for remediation of human rights violations
- Demonstrable experience in developing academic research and/or technical reports
- Fluency in English
- Comfort working remotely (eventually could work at Conectas’ office, if based in São Paulo, Brazil)
- Capable to consistently produce deliverables according to deadlines
- Detail-oriented
Scope of Work
Over the period of two months, the researcher will:
1. Conduct research on the state of the art of extrajudicial mechanisms for remediation of human rights violations
- Using primary and secondary sources, to evaluate the performance of Independent Accountability Mechanisms (IAMs) of Development Finance Institutions (DFI), through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data (such as number of cases filed with the IAMs, outcomes etc.).
- Using primary and secondary sources, to assess the performance of other extrajudicial mechanisms for redress of human rights violations, such as the OECD National Contact Points (NCP) and private companies’ Ombudsmen.
- Identify key applicable international standards (such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights).
- By 25 August, provide a partial report.
2. Develop case studies of infrastructure projects handled by IAMs and other extrajudicial mechanisms (e.g. National Contact Points)
- Develop in-depth case studies of at least five (5) cases of violations related to infrastructure projects that were taken to IAMs and/or other extrajudicial mechanisms.
- Conduct interviews with different actors involved in the cases.
3. Produce a final report with guidelines for the NDB grievance mechanism
- Elaborate a background paper (15-20 pages, including graphics and images) and a policy paper (max. 5 pages). The policy paper is due on 20 September.
- Questions that should guide the proposal include: What should be the role of a grievance mechanism of a Multilateral Development Bank (MDB)? Which responsibilities should be assigned to an MDB grievance mechanism and which should be left for local judiciary systems, the international human rights protection mechanisms and other avenues for remediation of human rights violations? What are the basic principles, institutional features and procedural aspects of an effective and human rights-oriented grievance mechanism?
- Develop a cross-cutting analysis that emerges from the comparative studies, surveys, in-depth case studies and interviews.
- Work with the Business and Human Rights project team to refine a final proposal based on feedback of experts.
The total remuneration is US$2400, to be provided in two installments. The first installment will be provided upon the signature of the contract, and the second installment will be provided following the completion of all remaining items in the scope of work. The entire time span for the contract will be two months.
To Apply:
Please send a CV and cover letter to Please fill the “Subject’ field (only) with ‘EDH011016’.