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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TERMINALFOUR//SITEMANAGER V7.3//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190507T083000 LOCATION:Braamfontein Campus East DESCRIPTION:Learn practical tips to cope with a hectic world with a free in-depth mindfullness workshop with Dr Lucy Draper-ClarkeWould you like to learn simple strategies for dealing with the stresses of university life? Would you like to spend an hour in the peaceful calm of the Wits Art Museum, before you launch into your busy day? Mindfulness is developed through simple techniques that help you bring awareness to the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or the future. It helps develop emotional balance and provides insight into our habitual patterns.
  X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Learn practical tips to cope with a hectic world with a free in-depth mindfullness workshop with Dr Lucy Draper-Clarke

Would you like to learn simple strategies for dealing with the stresses of university life? Would you like to spend an hour in the peaceful calm of the Wits Art Museum, before you launch into your busy day? Mindfulness is developed through simple techniques that help you bring awareness to the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or the future. It helps develop emotional balance and provides insight into our habitual patterns.


SUMMARY:A Mindfulness Hour, presented by Dr Lucy Draper-Clarke