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Staying Human in Medicine

When: Monday, 27 November 2017 - Monday, 27 November 2017
Where: Parktown Health Sciences Campus
Resources Centre, School of Public Health, 9 York Road, Parktown
Start time:17:30

Cost: no charge

Special guest lecture by Samuel Shem, the pen name for Prof. Stephen Bergman, MD, author of The House of God.

The Faculty of Health Science will host a special guest lecture by Samuel Shem, pen name for Prof. Stephen Bergman, MD, author of several books of fiction including the bestseller, The House of God. A Rhodes Scholar, he was on the faculty of Harvard Medical School for three decades and founded the Bill W. and Dr. Bob Project in the Division on Addictions at Harvard Medical School.

Samuel Shem will present his lecture entitled: “Staying Human in Medicine: from the House of God to the Spirit of Place.”

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