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The University as a Laboratory for Innovation… and a Catalyst for Regional Development

When: Thursday, 24 June 2021
Where: Online Event
Start time:16:00

Dr Garimella, the 27th President of the University of Vermont and a strong proponent of the value of public higher education will deliver his talk.

The speaker will share his experiences with fostering an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem to realise “discovery with delivery,” illustrated with examples of creating new systems and overcoming specific challenges, in the context of US public research universities. A strategic focus coupled with a focus on implementation steps helps bring about such a transformation across the educational, research and engagement missions of a university. Comprehensive partnerships with public, private and non-profit organizations, both domestic and international, serve to amplify the impact. A vision offered by the US National Science Board for America’s science and engineering enterprise (Vision 2030, including four elements – talent, practice of science, infrastructure and partnerships – will be discussed alongside recent US federal government conversations in favour of investments in technology, innovation and partnerships.

The lecture will take place online via Zoom.



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