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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TERMINALFOUR//SITEMANAGER V7.3//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220401T130000 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:WiSER Invites you to an online Panel discussion on Critical Thought, Human Rights and Freedom in the Middle East in 2020sThe Middle East region has been a juncture of political violence, ethnic and sectarian tensions, authoritarian rise and rivalries between external powers and regional countries in the last decades. This seminar will cover issues surrounding state hegemony, gender-based inequalities, border and migration regimes as well as social movements, freedom of speech and politics and governance of info-tech and media in the region. Field experts` insight will help conceive the current changing dynamics in the region and highlight the role of CSOs, human rights defenders, activists and knowledge workers through a comparative lens. A final focus will be on the way forward for critical knowledge futures: Along with input from the audience, we will discuss the impact of the expanding diaspora on politics of the Global South and draw upon possibilities of South-South exchange and collaboration. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:WiSER Invites you to an online Panel discussion on Critical Thought, Human Rights and Freedom in the Middle East in 2020s

The Middle East region has been a juncture of political violence, ethnic and sectarian tensions, authoritarian rise and rivalries between external powers and regional countries in the last decades. This seminar will cover issues surrounding state hegemony, gender-based inequalities, border and migration regimes as well as social movements, freedom of speech and politics and governance of info-tech and media in the region. Field experts` insight will help conceive the current changing dynamics in the region and highlight the role of CSOs, human rights defenders, activists and knowledge workers through a comparative lens. A final focus will be on the way forward for critical knowledge futures: Along with input from the audience, we will discuss the impact of the expanding diaspora on politics of the Global South and draw upon possibilities of South-South exchange and collaboration.

SUMMARY:Critical Thought, Human Rights and Freedom in the Middle East in 2020s END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR