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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TERMINALFOUR//SITEMANAGER V7.3//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210817T170000 LOCATION: DESCRIPTION:Wits University Grade 9 Information Session Gauteng Province Wits University would like to extend the following webinar invitation to Grade 9 learners and parents. The webinar is hosted by the Schools Liaison Office and will ensure that all learners have the necessary information for their Grade 10 subject choices. The webinar hosted by Wits, will include the following:• Subject selection methods• Personality traits to consider when choosing subjects• Wits entrance criteria & subject requirements• How to calculate an Admission Point Score (APS)• Possible career optionsThe session promises to be insightful and highly informative, please register here to join the webinar. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Wits University Grade 9 Information Session Gauteng Province

Wits University would like to extend the following webinar invitation to Grade 9 learners and parents. The webinar is hosted by the Schools Liaison Office and will ensure that all learners have the necessary information for their Grade 10 subject choices. The webinar hosted by Wits, will include the following:

• Subject selection methods
• Personality traits to consider when choosing subjects
• Wits entrance criteria & subject requirements
• How to calculate an Admission Point Score (APS)
• Possible career options

The session promises to be insightful and highly informative, please register here to join the webinar.

SUMMARY:Wits University Grade 9 Information Session Gauteng Province END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR