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The Spirit of Innovation in Africa presented by Professor Mike Bruton

When: Thursday, 23 February 2023 - Thursday, 23 February 2023
Where: Online Event
Start time:16:00

Tamelyne van Tonder | 


Registration link

Professor Mike Bruton will review inventions and innovations made in Africa and will make the point that this is Africa's century.

Bruton will argue that the 'stepladder of innovation', from low- to medium- to high-tech, is in good shape on the 'bright continent' and that the spirit of innovation in Africa is characterised by resilient young people who are not afraid to fail and start again.

From mompreneurs to moguls, waste pickers to fintech wizards, locust whisperers to rocket scientists, robocops to internet-enabled balloons, surfing therapy to gin flavoured with elephant dung, shweshwe cloth to microsatellites, you will be astounded by the creativity of the continent’s techpreneurs.


Part of the seminar series on Science, Society and Innovation

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