Indo-South African Workshop on water-energy-nexus in process industries
When: | Wednesday, 20 April 2022 - Thursday, 21 April 2022 |
Where: | Online Event |
Start time: | 9:30 |
Enquiries: |
The workshop aims to bridge divides and raise awareness among academia and industry about current technological goals and challenges.
The industrial sector has undergone various transformations during the past few decades. The industry's traditional business models have lost market share to more modern ones that rely on standardized and automated manufacturing. Batch plants, for example, are commonly used in the pharmaceutical (high-end product) and dyeing industries (multiple product manufacture) due to their high flexibility and economic benefits. Nonetheless, a new challenge arises in the form of complex scheduling with time feasibility constraints. This enables a platform for the reduction of operational costs and wastewater generation.
This workshop aims to bridge divides and raise awareness among academia and industry about current technological goals and challenges, such as lowering production and energy costs, optimizing processing units, developing innovative industrial products and services, increasing production capacity in terms of quantity and quality, and developing a waste management strategy capable of securely managing processes and reusing available materials. If we analyse one such batch-type manufacturing plant, it is customary for it to handle water- and energy-intensive processes. As a result, it is critical to schedule operations to optimize energy and water usage. As such, this workshop seeks to connect professionals from the manufacturing and service industries, as well as academics and students. Its purpose is to facilitate technical exchanges, insights, and presentations on recent advancements in the chemical/batch manufacturing industry, with a focus on the water-energy nexus.
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