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The spatial modelling of the spread of infectious diseases in South Africa: A justification of a spa

When: Thursday, 08 August 2019 - Thursday, 08 August 2019
Where: Braamfontein Campus West
Room 112, 1st floor, The Liberty Actuarial Auditorium, Mathematical Sciences Laboratory Building
Start time:12:30

Edith Mkhabela on 011 717 6272 /

Raeesa Docrat from the School of Statistics and Actuarial Science will present this seminar.

The spread of infectious diseases is a world-wide problem that has a greater and more damning impact on low-income countries. Mathematical modelling is a useful tool to better understand these diseases and to plan prevention and interventions. This presentation investigates the spatial autocorrelation of the reported TB cases in South Africa in an attempt to justify the inclusion of a spatial component in a model for the spread of infectious diseases.

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